Introducing the Family!

The little rascal, Nizzar (Nov'07)

MrNordin & Kids (Oct'07)

Mr & MrsNordin (Jan'08)

MrsNordin & Co. (Dec'06)


Delicate Flower said…

You have a beautiful family! Your Nizzar is so adorable and your stepkids look look lovely. Maknye pun apa kurang..:-)

It's Sat noon here and husband wants me to help him clean the garage while there is light outside...hmmm...nak tolong ke tak ya?:-)
Kmar said…
BJ, nanti kita jumpa in Jul-Aug in KL ok? I will introduce him to you. Nanti bagi no talipon rumah your mom in Ipoh. Feel like visiting her, boleh kan?.. mesti meriah macam dulu-dulu.. he.he..

Btw, do u know that Tuti and Shana have visited our house? Who knows, might be you ada rezeki, boleh le datang.

We used to live in Holland for nearly 10 years..... kiranya Holland tu is our ´kampung´la tu.. Anyway, we haven´t decided yet which country to reside. My kids both born in Ipoh... eeem.. Ipoh Mali laa...!!!

The picture.. you look the SAME.. as sweet as before!!!:.. ayoyoyo.. madam.. awet muda ke??... You have a good family. Your boy nanti boleh le ´berkenalan´ dengan my girl... Shasha... wink!! wink!!
My God...Nizzar is a big boy now. He is sooooo cute. Can't wait to see him again.

Thanks for sharing the lovely pics. Terubat rindu.
wanshana said…
Lovely pics, BJ.

I agree with Kmar - awet muda, weh!

Care to share the secret? ;-)
Lee said…
Hi Mrs Noordin,was at Wanshana's place noticed your callsign and as I used to know a 'Noordin', a good friend wayyyy back in the 70's, thought maybe you my friend's isteri? Sorry, wrong number, you guys very young, ha ha, but glad I dropped in.
You sure have a beautiful family, Mrs Noordin, and you a lovely lady.
I enjoyed your eloquent postings too.
Can see the warm love in your home.
Re your Valentine comment, allow me to say, for every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it.
For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it.
For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.
You have a nice evening, best regards, UL.
Unknown said…
Finally, family piccies - and what a beautiful family you have! Your li'il boy shares (almost) the same name as my hubby. Keep them coming, lovely lady!
MrsNordin said…
Hi Delicate Flower,

Thanks for the compliments! I hope you did go and help your husband with the garage... :)
MrsNordin said…

Yes, we must meet! Of course you can visit my mum, I'm sure she still remember you.. (eh, teringat pulak zaman sekolah dulu, kan? Our parents selalu compare notes!)

Didn't know Tuti & Shana have visited you. Btw, how's Tuti, ya? Anyone knows? I last bumped into her at KLCC sometime last year. She still look the same. High flyer tu, babe..!

Mana ada awet muda... dah tua lah... :)
MrsNordin said…
Mdm Tai Tai,

We just discovered over the weekend that Nizzar likes Michael Jackson! I mean, REALLY likes! He's also a big fan of Justin Timberlake. How do you explain that??
MrsNordin said…
Wan Shana,

The secret? Marry someone older than you, then you'll probably look somewhat younger. Hee.. hee..
MrsNordin said…
Hi U.Lee,

Thanks for dropping by! I've actually read your blog sometime ago through Shana's.

Hey, we're not that young lah... My husband is turning 46 this year. Me? 40.

U have a lovely day too. Take care!
MrsNordin said…

Finally I heard from you! How did the interview go? Your husband and Nizzar share the same name? That's nice. People say orang nama Nizzar ni is very sensitive. Do you see that in him?? One thing for sure, my boy "suka memerintah" ~ that the meaning I found for his name!
Kmar said…
BJ, Tuti is still the same. The last time I met her was last year (in Barcelona) during the company trip. She works as an architect in Bangsar and still single-mingle. Loves travelling.

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