Pray for This Friend

Bad news. My friend's husband, whose story I posted here, is confirmed of having lung cancer. And it's Stage 4.

God... I feel sorry for him. I went to visit him at the hospital two weeks ago. He seemed fine. Like his usual self, except for this huge lump on his right thigh. He said that was the effect of the cancer, but they couldn't confirm yet at that time.

But on a positive note, my friend sounded optimistic when I texted her just now. She said, they kinda expected it, and are now focusing on the treatment and getting better.

Syukur alhamdulillah... they need to think positive in times like this. I'll probably go and see him later. Friends who know them, please pray for him. That's all we can do for now...


Anonymous said…
I know 2 cases exactly like this iaitu tetiba check dah stage 4, both women..last year. My office mate's mom, another was my mother's friend. Shocking isnt it? Ingatkan smokers aje yg kena. It took them away less than a year, forgive my directness kak. But anything can happen, we never know..sume ni terjadi menguji kita sebagai hambaNya. Praying for your friend's strength, hubbynya sihat dan moga sentiasa dlm peliharaan Allah.
Kmar said…

I doakan (insyallah) Lin´s hubby will recover soon. It will take time and the whole family need to be positive all the time. I still believe in miracle.

´Hoping for the best but prepare for the worst´ ...
Anonymous said…
Our prayers go out to your friends; may they be strong to face what Allah has instore for them. Look at it as a dugaan and not punishment.

Aida - u have a good weekend dear.
BJ, my prayers for your friend's husband. I hope all will be well.
Waterlily said…

I too have a friend who's suffering from cancer. I think it is cervical cancer. She was diagnosed with it just after her divorced (she discovered the hubby was having an affair with the Philipino helper!). That was 4 years ago. She went thru chemo - and it was cured.

Late last year she told me doctors found another growth ...I guess she is recovering now coz I know she's still working..

Anyway - my prayers to your friend's hubby. Is the friend our mutual friend?
busymum100 said…
I hope your friend's emotional strength has increased tremendously, because it may get worse. There's no point in trying to harp too much on false hope. Just imagine any good news as a bonus, then she'll remain stronger.

I really do not know what else to say. It's really sad, and I empathize her.
MrsNordin said…

He's Lin Ali's husband.
Waterlily said…

Lin Ali's husband?? What a shock that must be to her...I can feel her pain right now.

I still remember how we used to go to her house...! The husband is a nice chap..

I havent been in contact with her for 1 1/2 years!! I used to call her just to say hi...

Send my salam to her will you....I hope she is strong..for her own sake and the sake of the children...
Anonymous said…
hi BJ..ts is Along Faezah..
your blog has been one of my favourite reads all these while,let's just say i'm one of ur silent readers..when i read this posting of yours, i have to say something..poor lin..i've actually bumped into her a few times cos her husband is a friend of my partners in the office, met her at a few dos...pse convey my sallam to her and i hope she will be strong in facing this dugaan..pray for what's best for him..and for her too..
take care BJ..
MrsNordin said…
Yes Aida, that's her husband. I shall convey your well wishes to her and hubby.
MrsNordin said…
Hi Along!

Tak sangka you know about my blog too. I can guess who told you about it... wink!

I shall convey your well wishes to her. For now, that's all we can do. Pray hard and hope for the best.

Thanks for dropping by.
MrsNordin said…
Hi Along!

Tak sangka you know about my blog too. I can guess who told you about it... wink!

I shall convey your well wishes to her. For now, that's all we can do. Pray hard and hope for the best.

Thanks for dropping by.

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