
As I predicted, I've stopped waking up for sahur. I just couldn't get up.

This morning, I heard MrNordin waking up for sahur. That was about 4.45am. Usually, he would give me a nudge and ask if I wanted to come down for sahur. But I think, after getting no respond from me for the last 2-3 days, he gave up and just went down alone. I continued sleeping, dreaming of eating Frosties...

In the car going to work, he told me, "Tadi pagi I dah bising dengan si Sri & budak2. Tiap2 pagi asyik2 cereal, cereal, cereal. Tak boring ke? Tak boleh ke be creative sikit with what to eat for sahur? Buat lah scramble egg ke, pancakes ke, nasi goreng ke sekali sekala... Ini tak, letak je cereals kat situ, dah. Ini semua kes pemalas! I told her, kalau rumah orang lain, kena masak nasi pagi2 for sahur and lauk segala, tau. Ini, kerja senang pun susah sangat nak buat. Bukannya tak ada barang kat rumah.. bla, bla, bla..." (dia membebel).

I felt guilty. It should have been me that he's screaming at, not the maid. Terasa jugalah tempiasnya, although I knew dia bukan marah kat I.

Then I asked him back, "Maybe the kids tak nak makan benda lain for sahur tak...".

He replied, "Tak nak apa? Bila I dah bising macam tu, baru terkocoh2 buat corned beef. In less than 10 mins dah siap. Habis semua orang makan..."

I diam.

Dalam perkara2 macam ni, I tak boleh komen banyak sangat sebab I sendiri tak bangun sahur, kan? So I let him mengomel and I mengiyakan saja.

Ok lah, nampak gayanya, pagi esok kena bangun sahur lah. Nak makan apa, yang? Nasi lemak?


Anonymous said… hubby kena makan nasi panas2 for sahur, unless we makan byk sgt for berbuka baru boleh makan roti and cereals for sahur. Last week, maid i panaskan nasi je, pas tu tak tambah air pula, so dry..Masa tu dia dah mengomel kat maid, tapi i lah yg rasa tempias, sebab my maid actually takes instruction from me...Later during the day pun he still mengungkit kat taulah I, actually dia hot kat I..

tireless mom said…
Dear BJ

You are so lucky. Our sahur is 10% less of berbuka ie minus the fruits and buah kurma je. My husband and kids will be kebuluran if they have cereal for sahur. Once in a while have nasi lemak for sahur, no hal kan?
wanshana said…

I think he just wants some varieties and options every now and then. That's all. I don't think he expects to have a proper or heavy meal for sahur. And I don't think he wants something different ALL the time.

Anak-anak I, kengkadang tu, mintak Maggi for sahur! I ikutkan ajer - as long as they eat (but, Maggi only once in 10 days or so boleh lerr..)

We rarely eat rice for sahur. Normally just toast with kaya or different kinds of Campbell Soups, sometimes the kids would ask for pancakes or omelettes + cheese or just cereals.

I pun kesian kat my Maid kalau nak kena prepare beriya for sahur pulak! So, most of the time, out of the cans/packets ajer :)

Just giving some ideas which you could ask your maid to prepare for sahur in the next couple of weeks ni:)

You know this morning when I woke up for sahur I was thinking how lucky you are tak payah bangun for sahur. I'm feeling the pain now - being the one to cook, perhangatkan lauk and to wake each of them up for sahur. Dah tak larat I..

Buat lah sekali sekala..elok juga give them a surprise.
MrsNordin said…

Hee.. hee... I pun selalu terasa macam tu. Bila husband marah kat maid, sure I rasa tempias becoz she follows my order. Alah... dia hot sekejap je tu.

Tapi apasal ya orang lelaki ni, kalau silap sikit pasal makan, sure bising. Kalau kita, bedal je lah.. Tak kuasa nak bising2. Kalau tak suka, dah jangan makan.
MrsNordin said…
Tireless Mom,

Aiyoo, kesian you.. Dahlah kerja macam nak mampus kat office, balik rumah pun macam nak rak memasak! Tapi kalau I jadi macam you, sure Nordin would love me like crazy!

Tak apa yatt...ada hikmat di sebalik tu semua...
MrsNordin said…

Thanks for the tips. Cheese & Omelette sounds nice. Maybe I'll surprise them with it tomorrow morning!
MrsNordin said…

I'll surprise them tomorrow morning, that's for sure!

You kena bangun pagi perhangatkan lauk & nasi tak apa, becoz during the day you boleh tidur. I have to go to work lah, babe...
Waterlily said…

I think MrNordin's reverse psychology is working...hehehe..

I concur with Wanshana...maybe dia cuma nak sikit varieties je, bukan tiap2 hari...ommelette sounds good eh..maybe I'll make one or two for sahur tomorrow.
Anonymous said…
Yelah BJ, I go with the majority view, to prepare sahur for them once in a while. We have meehoon goreng, burger, sausages, nasi goreng sometime for sahur. You wouldn't believe that my maid actually cook for the kids nasi goreng pataya for sahur! Most of the time is the standard menu nasi panas with sardin, ikan bilis and telur dadar. I guess, you gotto start getting up for sahur now that we have reached that big "40". Good Luck,

Anonymous said…
Macammana mak kita boleh prepare sahur without fail kan dari kita kecik sampailah dah 40 ni? mak and mak mertua kita take charge of everything, maid betul betul cuma bantu bantu saja, and our mothers were also working, right? Conclusionnya both of us kena berubah dan ikhlaskan hati and kena ambil tanggungjawab prepare sahur starting from now!

2 kali 5.
IBU said…
The surprise would be....


hehehe... good luck, with whatever you would be cooking. I'm sure it would be appreciated.
Anonymous said…

In my case the maid is the jenis kena pekena nasik and kena sahur, if it were up to me and my DH, sure tak bangung dah ehehhehe if we'd wake up it be for minum milk and vitamins ajer (cos am still bfeeding), but since the maid bangun and take the trouble to prangat, we all pun bangung la.

But yeah it would not hurt to provide the maid with a menu plan to provide variety even if u do not wake up.

Good luck - I can only manage to wake up cos these days I sleep at 9pm hehehehehhe with Khalil n Ainul, maklumlah Baba diaorg tak jauh hehehhe

Anonymous said…

Please omit the word "tak" in the last sentense from my last post!

Tue lah padah leaving comment semasa sahur.

busymum100 said…

I tak tau how you survive with no sahur. I pernah buat sandwiches je for sahur, sb dah muak dgn nasi, but soon after zohor, the family and me melepek gila! Hahaha!

I hari2 masa nasi baru for sahur. Lauk tak cerewet sangat. Telur goreng, daging goreng, or other goreng2 is fine.

So, how was sahur this morning? ;-)
Hey..did you get up for sahur this morning? Masak apa - nasi lemak? :)
Hi J

now i feel guilty because my maid bangun masak nasi etc etc. Tapi selalunye makan lauk semalam le..sayur je fresh. I selalu ingat kalau the kids tak makan nasi they will not tahan,tapi your kids ok je??
MrsNordin said…
Hi All,

I did wake up this morning, but by the time I came down, semua orang dah habis makan. Nak buat camno??

I'll give it another go tomorrow morning!


Entahlah, budak2 tu ok je makan cereals/roti. Agaknya dah terbiasa..
Last yr we didn't bother to bangun sahur sgt towards the end.tapi this yr myself and hubby bangun sahur pun, by 10am dah lapar dah and we feel soooooooo tired.Tak tahu la for me, my hubby tak kisah pun makan apa masa sahur coz we really cannot eat.hehee..tadi je baru makan cereal.usually we just eat leftovers or garlic bread with mushroom soup.omelette sounds really yummy!nak buat la for sahur later..
goodluck Mrs N with ur sahur kejap lagi!
MrsNordin said…

I didn't get to do the omelette coz I woke up way too late...

Thanks for dropping by!

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