Invisible Neighbour (Part 2)

Our Minister neighbour sent us this yesterday:

At first we thought it was a cake..

When we opened the box... Voila! It was a box of chocolates!

Upon closer inspection
(you can actually eat the box, you know? It's made of royal icing)

Looks like they beat me to it! My kek lapis Sarawak (that's the cake I ordered) baru siap malam tadi and was delivered to my house by my dear friend, Tina, at 11.30pm.

Looking at their lovely gift, sigh... it's sure hard to get anything similar or nicer. Theirs is so pretty... and the chocolates are so delicious!

I think, what I'm gonna do is PRETEND as if the cake that I'm giving them actually comes out from my own oven. Like I bake the kek lapis myself? Now, that would make a great impression! Don't you think?


Someone mentioned Forest Gump in your previous posting...macam tau-tau pulak you are going to get a box full of chocolates! Talk about 'miracles' huh?

Those chocs look so lovely. Lucky you!
Anonymous said…

Even if the cake did not come from ur oven does not mean that they will not recieve it well.

U know we give not to impress but to share.

Anonymous said…
maybe with the cake, they will remember to invite you and your family for any event in their house. boleh rub shoulders with the minister....

Waterlily said…

Heat the Kek Lapis Sarawak in the oven for 5 mins or so, then you lari naik turun tangga 3-4 round sampai merah muka and berpeluh sikit...then take the cake out, present it to the Mr and Mrs Minister and say.."For you..fresh from our oven...baru lepas bakar tadi.." heheheheh...

Seriously MrsN - I dont think they will think lesser of your gift, even if it is not as nicely wrapped as theirs. Its the thought that counts. I think Mrs Minister will be pleasantly surprised..that's all..

Err...coklat tu ada lagi..bak seketul dua..
Kmar said…

Macam tahu aje your ´invisible neighbour´ baca your hati... he.he..

The chocolates look SUPER DELICIOUS!! You are so lucky la. Rezeki Ramadan. Reminds me of Godiva!

Pasal kek tu, yang paling penting your niat. Either home-made or kedai-made.... shouldn´t be a problem.
Ezza Aziz said…
agak2 nya mereka terbaca posting you ni kot! Mana tau mereka menyamar kat sini..hahahahah
Rezeki jangan di tolak,musuh jangan di cari..So lepas ni makeup kan cantik2 kek you dan hantar segera. Mereka ni pun manusia biasa jugak,ada kekurangan dan kelebihan nya...Sedap nya coklat tu..pas pas kan kat sini...
Kak Teh said…
hahaah! kak teh baru nak kata 'agaknya neighbour you baca yr posting! but ezzah beat me to it.

enjoy the chocolates - looks divine and yummy - almost wicked.
Hope said…

Where can I order these things? Online ada ke?
busymum100 said…

You really make me laugh, despite having just finished an emotional blog!


So, you're no longer the invisible neighbour, eh? ;-)

BTW, I forgot to remark earlier - you have so many living things (ok lah, pets!) in your home? How do you ppl manage??
Kama At-Tarawis said…
tu la, i concur with ezza and kak teh. la ni semua pak menteri and isteri/isteri-isteri masing2 dah pandai berkenalan dengan blogsphere tau. pi hanta' aja kek lapis tu Mrs N.... senyum lebih sket..sah dapat undangan kemajlis depa in the future..hehehe
Anonymous said…
Mrs N,

That's a very nice gift! I'm sure your cake lapis Sarawak is also yummy..

MamaEta said…
Bj, dapat gift cam tu..buat penyeri meja nak makan pun sayang....

Selamat Hari raya...selamat balik kampung....
MrsNordin said…

The chocolates are yummy! You know I don't really fancy chocs, kan, but theirs are really nice. Melt in the mouth!
MrsNordin said…

Yes, I know that... it's the thought that counts.


There's nothing great about rubbing shoulders with Ministers... they are only human..
MrsNordin said…

I did that alright! But I didn't put in my note that I baked the cake myself. The kids advised me against it, tho' I almost wanted to cheat! Hee.. hee...


Yes, it's the niat. The chocs sedap!
MrsNordin said…
Ezza/kak teh,

I don't think they read my blog lah! It's just coincidence... that's all.


I don't know where you can get these. Tak pernah nampak pun dalam any catalogue. I think this was especially made for them. Every year, their raya gift sure lain dari yang lain and very nice. Sorry, can't help you there!
MrsNordin said…

The maid. And me, sometimes.
MrsNordin said…

Dah hantaq dah pun...


Thanks! And Selamat Hari Raya!!

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