Baju Raya

I went to Ampang Park during lunch break. Ingat nak pegi Metrojaya sale preview, tapi sebab tak cukup quorum, I decided to follow my friends to A.P. Jenuh jugak nak cari parking (you know lah, Selangor cuti) but my friend managed to find an empty space somehow.

I bought a baju kurung for my maid plus a pink tudung. It think they are nice. Got it from this shop ~ SHL, I think nama dia ~ located on the ground floor opposite the cassette shop. This shop mainly sells ready-made baju kurung batik Kelantan. Every year, without fail, I'd surely buy one pair because the prints are nice and the price is reasonable. Cuma this year je I stopped myself from buying one because I've already got so many baju kurung yang belum dipakai lagi.

Come to think of it, I have 5 new bajus yang belum pakai lagi. Plus just now, I collected two more from my tailor, so that makes 7 new baju for raya. Hooray! Belum pernah terjadi lagi sebelum ni MrsNordin ada sampai 7 helai baju raya! So boleh pakai satu hari satu. Hee.. hee...

Now everyone has got their baju raya already. Tak ada theme ~ all will be wearing different colours. The girls will be wearing purple & pink, Nadim will be wearing blue, MrNordin ~ green, MrsNordin ~ orange, budak kecik tu ~ red. Tapi materials lebih kurang sama lah.

Actually, I'm not very good at co-ordinating baju for raya. The one that I got almost right was last year's raya, after 3 failed attempts. The first raya was supposed to be blue, tapi my baju and the girls' baju tak siap & tak elok. Gara2 hantar kat a new tailor who promised he could finish it in time tapi by malam raya pun tak siap2 lagi. I was too mad to even take delivery of the baju and hence, I told him to just keep it.

The second year I tak de mood langsung nak beraya because I was 4-months' pregnant with Nizzar. Asyik bad mood saja! Rambut pun tak best, badan pun rasa tak best.. I hate my raya pictures of that year. We were supposed to be clad in green.

Third raya was mix & match. I bought all our baju off the rack, senang cerita. Only the boys sent theirs to the tailor.

Last year, I put in a little bit more effort by planning early. I chose off-white / cream colour as the theme. Beli kain sekali harung kat Jakel and terus hantar tailor. Not just any tailor (as I've learnt my lesson earlier on) but a good tailor who I still give business to until today. It cost me a bomb, but I was fully satisfied with the end results. Hence, the photos of that raya also turned out very well indeed.

This year, we'll see how it goes. I think it should be ok since baju semua dah almost ready. The boys' baju will siap next week. What I need to do now is just go and get a new hair colour. Uban dah sprouting like nobody's business on my head ni! I plan to get it done next week.

Tapi kuih belum beli... langsir belum tukar.... nampaknya banyak lagi duit yang kena keluar ni. Our salary masuk today but I have a feeling by the end of this month, sure dry. Raya... Raya...



Wah sakannya beraya dengan 7 pasang baju - kalah celebrity!

Ingat..duit raya pun nak beri jugak so jgn keringkan semua, ok.

Hv fun preparing in the next 2 weeks!
Anonymous said…
Wow 7!!!!

I have 5 but only because I only have my kebayas tailor-made once a year. So I won't wear them all for raya. I will definitely save one for Eid Adha and maybe another for a cousin's wedding.

I'm so looking forward to the holidays already!

Kak Teh said…
kak teh pun pakai baju lama. The girls need some new ones because they are filling up in places that should be filled up. Then men in the house are not that concerned - after all everyone will be wearing jackets - sejuklah raya ni.
Anonymous said…
We went to AP too today but after zohor. I took leave today since I am the only one in KL. IQ and the kids semuanya Selangor. Dini pun balik today. So, we hop on hop off from GE Mall, AP and Ampang Point. Did not get much though. The worst is the difficult to get the right size for baju melayu..debab2. Lagipun this year takde mood lah nak raya after the "incident"!
FYI, I can only respond to you at home sebab kat ofis tak boleh. They all block takut kita orang tak buat keje!

Kama At-Tarawis said…
Lahaii Mrs N, banyaknya baju! For the past many years I beli off-the-rack aja. Malas nak berkisah dah. Dulu2 memang hantar tailor sakan.
AuntieYan said…
Mrs. Nordin,

Ayooo! banyaknya baju raya..tentu seronokkan. Auntie, satu baju raya pun belum ada...asyik gi survey je... :-( Tak kisah sangat pun..mungkin kena grab jugak sepasang dua next week ...

psssst...nanti, jangan lupa bergambo dengan baju2 tu... ;-)
MrsNordin said…

I pun tak sangka I accumulated that many baju in my wardrobe! Buang tebiat ke apa?? Hee.. hee..

I know... duit raya...
MrsNordin said…

Sadly, I cannot wear kebaya anymore. I see bulges everywhere on my body and I hate the sight! I have several nice pieces of kebaya pre-Nizzar bod, which I cannot wear anymore now becoz badan dah mengembang, staring at me in my cupboard. Sigh... bila lah boleh muat balik... that's always my wishful thinking... :)
MrsNordin said…
Kak Teh,

Actually, raya ni tengok mood. There were times when i just couldn't be bothered. Tapi tiap2 tahun I mesti ada baju baru.

I suppose being in London, the feeling is different. If you're here, I'm sure you pun nak raya sakan because the festive mood is so glaring (sometimes)!
MrsNordin said…
Hi Dada,

I hope you're feeling a bit better now after the incident...

We used to have problems buying Nadim punya baju dulu because dia pun dulu debab jugak. No choice but to have his tailor-made. There's a tailor/kedai on the 4th floor of Ampang Park, jual/buat baju melayu. My BIL selalu buat kat situ. Maybe he can still take your order.
MrsNordin said…

Beli off-the rack lagi senang. Tak payah nak pikir design, kain, fitting etc. Bayar je...
tireless mom said…

Mengalahkan Siti Norhaliza or Fasha Sanda with the 7 bajus! Make sure you post your photo with the color matches clads of the family. I tak hantar baju raya lagi. It will always be last minute. Called my tailor last nite and she asked me to send this Fri & siap next Fri. Thank God I have a super efficient tailor.
MrsNordin said…
Auntie Yan,

Raya dua minggu lagi... masih ada banyak masa nak beli baju.

What I normally did last time was to buy my baju 2 days before raya. That time, I had no choice but to buy any. Tak de masa dah nak survey2. And usually, I'll get it at a good bargain sebab penjual dah nak tutup kedai balik raya. Puas hati.
MrsNordin said…
Tireless Mom,

You're lucky your tailor is super-efficient. Actuallynya, bukannya susah sangat nak buat baju, ya tak?

Have you checked out Mayfair Designs at KLCC? The baju are quite nice. I've bought several pieces from the shop (shh...) and have received compliments from many whenever I wear them. Go and tengok lah!
MA said…
Kusssemangat baju! Haha...I never had more than 4 baju kurung at any one time. Itupun accumulate over the years! Sehelai setahun pastu recycle every other year. I am just not a kain person.

Tapi bila tengok gambar raya - asyik-asyik baju yang sama sampai lupa Raya tahun bila tu...
wanshana said…
Wah meriah sungguh - sampai 7 pasang! Kasut raya dah beli, belum? Make sure beli 7 pasang to suit all. Hehehe!

Haizal and I would normally have 2 pasang each saja, and this year is no different. It's coral peach and cream/beige.

But, for the kids I normally lebihkan and I would make sure they have equal number of bajus. Kalau tak, nanti Hasya bising :)

However, this year Hilman has 3 baju melayu, while Hanna and Hasya have 5 baju kurung each coz' I didn't realize my MIL also tempah 2 extra baju kurung for the girls!

I think I will make it up to him by getting him extra pair of jeans and shirt.

Dia tak kisah pun...Mommy dia ajer yang rasa guilty.
MrsNordin said…

Maybe you should get a new one this year? Just for the fun of it!
MrsNordin said…

I think, you bab2 merancang theme & pakaian hari raya ni, memang expert. I read in your blog hari tu, wah.... respect lah!

My girls ada dua pasang sorang je. The boys pun dua, except for Nadim which only has 1 (dia kurang suka bab2 beli/buat baju melayu).

Mak diaorang je yang beriya... hee! hee...!

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