Then and Now...

A friend uploaded an old photo from our university days in his FB…

Look at me! I look so young!

International Night (UKC, UK 1989)

I must have been 21 when this photo was taken. My face still look very tight and the skin.... oh my, still very firm.

Now, 20 years on, I can see that I've aged. Muka dah nampak tua... badan dah makin mengembang... no longer "bergetah" as before.

L to R: Friend, SIL, Friend, me (at BIL's engagement Jun'09)

Sigh... I'm depressed. How do I get back my youth?


Anonymous said…
Mam..from the photos you look exactly the same lah...In real life, you don't look your age, seriously!! Aging a bit is okaylah..everyone does, unless we go for plastic surgery or botox!

haiya! no need to be bergetah laa..nanti kena buat tayar pulak!!

Sekarang ni kalau nampak muda sangat pun tak boleh..mesti ada sok sek kat belakang tu..eiii,,dia ni pakai botox laa...injet sana sini how aarrr nak cantik...let it be je laaa..asal kan hati kita senang....
CS said…
MrsN, the inner you counts most. Regards.
busymum100 said…

We've traded in our youth with all the wisdom we've acquired so far. Berguna atau tidak, dan sejauh mana gunanya, only time can tell, but I am sure we are much wiser than before, right? *wink*

DeeDee said…
Mrs N,
I agree with Busybody, macam tak ada beza je between the 2 pics.
Anyway, you have a really nice smile. An extremelly good advantage sebab when people see you they will be mesmerize by ur smile and lupa nak tengok if muka you kedut ke tak.
MrsNordin said…

I think it's the time of the month when I feel everything is not right. Of course, we can't fight the aging process, only slow it down a bit, if possible.

Botox or plastic surgery is not an option for now. I'm afraid I'll look even worse!
MrsNordin said…
Kak Ezza,

Bergetah sikit je pun cukup lah... sekarang spare tire merata!
MrsNordin said…

You're so right. The inner counts. But the vanity in me wish that mentally, I'm 20 years wisers but physically, look 20 years younger. How?

Impossible, definitely...
MrsNordin said…

Of course, I wouldn't want to go back to the time when I was 21. What do I know then? Nothing!

But sometimes bila tengok gambar2 lama, I wish I could still retain the look and energy I had when I was younger. But that's just my wishful thinking.
MrsNordin said…

So I should work on the smile then! Thanks!
MHB said…
MrsN! You know who you remind me of in the pic? A very young Rosmaria penyanyi 80an tu!! tell me there's no resemblance??
KG said…

Dului bergetah zaman ago go, now lagi cantik, zaman madonna!!!Just maintainlah!!
MrsNordin said…

A lot of people have said that about me. No, there is no relations whatsoever. Only lookalike, I guess.
MrsNordin said…

Zaman Madonna ya... Hmmm...

I just want to feel good about myself coz right now everything sucks! (I think, ini PMS ni...)
Naz in Norway said…
Eh masih bergetah what... ;)
I love being 40...can look at things and say *done that! done that! and that!*
wrinkles?...oh they are just so charming!
wanshana said…

You still bergetah what... :)

Anyway, I think we look better and better as we grow older somehow :) I think the wisdom menyerlahkan keanggunan kita...Chewah! Hehehe! Most gambar-gambar lama I nampak toye ajer anyway... :)

Nothing much we can do about growing older, so we should just embrace it and enjoy life to the fullest ;)
Anonymous said…
You look just the same as your yesteryears. stunning smile and so carefree.
Well most women I know hard to accept aging.. Im one of them, but when I recall of my younger years, I was so naive and so not challenging. I love hitting fifties. What I do now is to keep my health physically and mentally stable. Second picture, care to share who they are?
kay_leeda said…

Haiyaaa...sama cun lorrr. That 21 years tu cun zaman anak dara. Now cun...orang dah experience. Better mahhh.....

Must be the PMS..heh..heh..:)
Mama Huptihup said…

bila u dah dapat petua tu, jgn lupa ckp kat i k *wink*
MrsNordin said…

I love being 40 too. I wouldn't want to go back to the time when I was 20! It's just that sometimes when I look at the uban and the lines on my face, I wish I'm younger again...

I think I'm hitting mid-life crisis!
MrsNordin said…

True, there's nothing much we can do about getting older. I think it's just that photo... Kalau ingatkan balik, zaman dolu2 memang toye pun! Isshhh... horror!! At least you ok lagi, a John Lennon ,look alike! Hee... hee...
MrsNordin said…

So carefree... yes, that's the word for it!

When I was younger, people always describe me as "bubbly". I had a bubbly character. But now as I get older, I think I've lost it. I become more serious, reserved and stress out easily.

I want to be like you when I touch 50. Still maintain the good looks and able to smile that beautiful smile. It goes to show that you are happy with what you've achieved so far.

Share your beauty secrets lah!!
MrsNordin said…

Iyalah... cun anak dara dengan cun MAK anak dara mana nak sama, kan? I'm asking for the impossible. Kalau umur dah 50 tapi nak rupa macam 20, jadi pelik lah pulak kan?Herot bengot muka ni jadinya nanti! Hee... hee...
MrsNordin said…

You don't need it for at least another 10 years. So shut up!
Anonymous said…
since the birth of my first baby 23 years ago. i was put on vit E for a speedy recovery for the c sect. soon after that, ive been on vit E and D until now. these two vits are good for the skin..elasticity and freshness, also i found out it is the best antioxident.. i drink only water.. on occassion sweet drinks.. biasa jer my petua.. yang penting sekali.. i memang tak peduli apa orang nak kata... hati tetap tenang.. :)
MrsNordin said…

E and D huh? I shall add those to my daily dosage of vitamins.

My favourite indulgence is coffee and I don't like to drink water so much. That's why my skin can get quite dull sometimes. Will try and increase that too.

Anonymous said…
Hello Girl,

I find my 65 year old neighbour extremely desirable.
So what are you talking about?

Ummi365 said…
adoi.. i tenguk dalam gambar sama je rupa you.. btw you dont look your age tau dak.. ok per.. masih bergetah lagi hehehe..

kalau nak muda kena pakai botox ke cucuk itu itu ke..hehehe
IBU said…

Tak banyak beza pun?!! Seriously...

Bab bergetah and how much elasticity you have lost - or rather gain? (hahaha.... ), aiya... common la tu.

Can't rewind to regain youth - sustain slightly longer maybe. But hey... maybe we should rather focus on how to grow wiser gracefully. At least tak le tension sgt nak achieve the unachievable ....

p/s 'Uban' pun dah makin friendly dgn i sekarang ni.... hehehe....
Anonymous said…
MrsN - still bergetah, what. To be honest - you didn't look like you changed much - still boleh kenal and still looking young!

Kmar said…

You ni awet muda laa...still anggun and still comel like before.

The most important thing, is how your feel inside your heart. If you still positive then you will always feel ´forever young´, betul tak?
Kmar said…

You ni awet muda laa...still anggun and still comel like before.

The most important thing, is how your feel inside your heart. If you still positive then you will always feel ´forever young´, betul tak?
tireless mom said…

You are still cun and menggoda like last time. What is important the beautiful inside. You can't fight age and time. That is hukum alam. Stay cool.
MrsNordin said…

You're just being nice.. :)


Botox tak nak lah. Nanti jadi macam muka "sesetengah perempuan yang kita tahu nama dia tapi kita tak nak mention kat sini" punya muka! Horror lah!
MrsNordin said…

Uban tu jangan cakaplah... every two weeks kena touch up! Nasib baik my hair is quite thick, tak nampak sangat. Tapi kalau selak rambut ni, aiyooo.... so sedih!!
MrsNordin said…

You have to look at me closer, then you'll see the lines!


Yes! You're right. Must think positive regardless of what age!


True, we can't fight age & time. I think it was just one of those days when I was feeling down. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
BJ you nampak lebih elegant sekarang, and richer too... don't worry la! He!He! Kalau kita pakai botox nanti org tak kata nampak cantik tapi nampak pelik. So oklah natural beauty gitu, auwww!
Your extrainmate yg blossom sokmo.

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