Jalan-Jalan di Masjid India

My brother in law is getting engaged this Saturday. No, not to that girl who I tried to match make him with, but to another girl. She's very young, barely 25, I think. And my BIL is 35 this year.

I've met her twice, both times with her family. She's nothing like my BIL's ex-GF who was very stylish and classy. This one is very simple. I think my BIL won't have much problems with her. So is my MIL.

This girl pakai tudung, so that's a plus point for her in the eyes of my MIL. Now my SIL and I are under pressure to wear the tudung!

Anyway, for the engagement, the hantaran will comprise 9 dulang from the girl's side and 7 dulang from the boy's. On our side, 7 men have been selected to become the pengangkat dulang hantaran, including Nadim. My BIL wanted something different for his engagement, hence, let the men carry the dulang hantaran.

During our mesyuarat tergempar last Monday, it was decided that the pengangkat dulang hantaran shall wear red. Since my dear boy tak ada baju melayu warna merah, I had to go and buy one for him.

So just now during lunch time, we all went to Wisma Yakin to look for the baju. Me, Nadim, Nadira and Nizzar. I asked Pak Cik Mat to drop them off at my office since I'm working today and so off we went to Jalan Masjid India.

Best jugak pegi Jln Masjid India at this time of day. It was not too crowded, so we didn't have to bergasak2 dengan orang ramai. We went to the first shop, saw one nice red one, Nadim tried it on, it fitted him well and we took it. Then I saw another nice red baju melayu for the little one and I bought it for Nizzar. It cost me only RM147 for both. So cheap!

So it looks like this year, the theme colour for our baju raya will be red. I shall now hunt for red kain/baju for the girls. Yeay! I love red!

Lepas shopping, we went to Insaf for briyani. Huuu... sedapnya! I used to frequent this place many years ago sampai mamak kedai tu dah kenal lah I. Every Saturday, after work, sure datang sini makan. The briyani rice is out of this world.... so is the mango juice. Yum! Yum!

I think, of all the nasi briyani in town, I like this one the best. My husband likes Bismillah's (at Jln Semarak), but I think Insaf's better. The rice at Insaf is so much tastier. It's simple, tak banyak spices, but the taste is all there.

After that hearty lunch, we went to Gulati's and Maya's to tengok2 and pegang2 kain. There were some lovely ones, but we didn't buy any. We need to take our time in choosing the kain, so I told Nadira, we'll come back again.

Oh well... I can't wait!


Anonymous said…
I wish I could take leave like you. Won't be going anywhere this school hols, budak2 banyak kelas tambahan and tuition. Will be taking them for a night stay this weekend at Pullman Putrajaya. Hope we can meet up before I leave for umrah next week.

CS said…
MrsN, u mentioned beriani at Insaf, and that's the beriani Azieda ngidamkan. Kesian dia harap2 tak meleleh air lioq ;-)
UrbAnWiTch said…
mrs. N, honestly Insaf`s Briyani cant compare to the one i have eaten here in Tokyo. imagine, finding the best briyani in Japan! serious sgt sedap! kalah semua kedai mamak/pakistan i pernah makan!
RoziSam said…
What INSAF???? masa zaman 80's and still anak dara lagi...situ la tmpt I and my best friend pergi....hanya nak makan bariyani and murtabak daging...terliur dah ni...skrg amat jarang dpt pegi...dah tua dan amat la sibuk....
You really bring back memories la.....
zaitgha said…
ooohhh yes Mrs.N, Insaf beryani so far the best...used to go there when i was working around that area many years ago ....now once in awhile still go there tho feel the price is a bit too steep but sedap punya pasal kan .....

lama dah tak gi Masjid India....

I love Nasi Briyani Insaf too! I think I've been there for lunch with you several times gak kan? I will always have the hati goreng. Yummy!

Ooo...finally Y is close to tying the knot. Alhamdullilah. Jodoh dia dah sampai. I'm sure the tray carriers will look smart and gagah in red. Macam hulubalang Melaka! Please extend our congratulations to Y.

Aside to Dada, selamat mengerjakan umrah! Safe trip there and back.
KG said…

Awat tak ajak I!!!

Beryani Insaf...sampai la I tak insaf makan dia!!
AuntieYan said…
Salam Mrn.N,

Briyani Insaf memang best in town. Dulu bersama geng, disitulah tempatnya kami menjamu selera air mango dia...ceh!...sungguh la enak sekali makan nasi kami order air mango sorang dua gelas...he!...he!..mamak pun senyum saja..errr..berapa harga sepinggan sekarang??...lama beno Auntie tak kesana. The last time Auntie makan, kalau tak silap RM 7.00 kot?....
Anonymous said…
MrN and somuffins. yes it is true I idamkan briyani insaf where i terlupa nama and sebut nasib.. but nevertheless the briyani on semarak next to seven eleven is also one of my fav. Yes meleleh air liuq for now, but we are planning to balik KL in Dec.. yay yiy yaw..nasi berani/briyani here I come.
Anonymous said…
All the best for your brother in law and I do hope you upload pics of the upcoming event ya..
the principal said…
Everytime my father pays us a visit, we have to bring him to Insaf. Tpt lain dia taknak. I pun suka makan kat Insaf. Roti canai dia pun best. My first office, building sebelah Insaf. So you knowlah how often I had my lunch there. Now, nasi & ayam goreng dah RM12. Previoulsy less than RM10.
Kama At-Tarawis said…
Mrs N - you all dok bercakap pasal Insaf, I rasa macam nak pi try pulak. Never heard of it before. The last time I was in Jln Masjid India 5 tahun yg lalu. Lama betul tak pergi. Thanks for the note. Nak pi jalan-jalan tegok kain soon.
busymum100 said…

I pun Kama, tak pernah dengar and try Insaf. Pergi ronda2 that area pun jarang! Nak try lah one day.

So eventually you BIL dah sampai jodoh... ingatkan dgn the girl yg you keneng2kan *wink*
Tak menjadi ye? Tak de jodoh lah kan.. i dulu pernah juga keneng2kan org, tak jadi juga, lepas tu give up *smile*
Cik Puan Kamil said…
Hello Mrs N... found your blog last week I think !

Love Insaf too. But living in Shah Alam, KL is too far ! Gatal..
Mama Huptihup said…
Mrs N,

Lama dah i tak pegi area ni :D...u buat i nak pegi cari nasi beriyani lah jap lagi...i buat sendiri last week guna instant perencah tu but u knowlah kan, mana blh lawan mamak punya haha..
Anonymous said…
Mrs N
Liked the part "tengok2 and pegang2the kain!"
bella said…
MrsN, wohooo, Insaf mmg our favorite spot too. mmg yummy kannn...mmm...btw, kalau you ada chance, go to jakarta before puasa, shop for kain there, its so much cheaper and byk choice!!!semua jenis kain ada...hehehe...kasi racun sikit...lol...
Desert Rose said…
Mrs N,

Totally agreed. Nasi briyani Insaf memang menginsafkan.....phewwww.

So it will a red raya for u guys ..

Lyana , ingat ka kedai ni???Kita makan ngan ayam goreng, sampai my Kanda missed kol doblas kali pun tak dengaq.

*Sowy Mrs N
Anonymous said…
I love Insaf too.. it's very near my office. I frequent it at least once a month.

You seem to enjoy taking part in family wedding preps, good for you!
IBU said…
Mrs N,

Pegi Gulati's & Maya, pegang2 kain.... HAHAHAHA..... Pegang, jgn tak pegang. Berapa meter mau?

I still have like at least 10 pcs ( no kidding) kain2 yg blom buat baju. Tu lah bahana 'pegang'2 kain kat Gulati's & Maya .... LOL!!!
MrsNordin said…
Hi Dada,

We are not going anywhere either this school hols. Plan macam2, but Nordin cannot take leave. Plus we are down with cough, flu and fever ~ me, Nizzar and Nordin. Memang duduk rumah je lah...

Yes, I hope to see you too before you go, insyallah.
MrsNordin said…

I see... and she has confirmed that as well. Thanks.


Ya ke ada beriani lagi best kat Japan? Siapa yang buat? Pakistani, I suppose?
MrsNordin said…
Ho Rozisam,

I guess Insaf ni has been there for a very long time. Since the 80's lagi? Oh my God, I didn't realise it's been there that long!

I've never tried the mustabak, only the beriyani. Must try it the next time. Thanks!
MrsNordin said…

I remember dulu harga dia dalam RM8.50 sepinggan. Now I think dah lagi mahal. 3 orang makan hari tu, RM75. We had 3 briyani, 4 mango juice and 2 biji indian mangoes. I'm not surprised if it's more than RM12 sepinggan now.

But once in a while, it's worth it!
MrsNordin said…

Nanti you balik sini, kita boleh pegi lagi, ok? The taste is still the same!

The engagement went well. Nanti I'll update later.
MrsNordin said…

Mana I tahu you suka briyani Insaf?? Next time, ok... hopefully before you ter'beranak'! Hee.. hee..
MrsNordin said…
Auntie Yan,

Kalau your last price was RM7.00, that must be in the early 90's. I think now more than RM12 kut. I didn't check the price, makan je...

Come to think of it, apa dia taruk dalam nasi tu kan? Sedap betul!
MrsNordin said…

You pun suka briyani Bismillah, ya? My MIL lives nearby, that's why they always buy Bismillah briyani. I'm just ok with that one... but I like their murtabak!
MrsNordin said…

I guess, Insaf ni memang kegemaran ramai, ya? Sampai your father yang dari Melaka pun suka! Hee.. hee...

My family pun suka. Dulu kalau buat makan2 kat rumah, I'd just order from Insaf and bring home. Best!
MrsNordin said…

Jalan2 tengok kain memang best. Hee.. heee... bila dah penat, berhenti and makan briyani Insaf! What a feeling!

If you don't know, the restaurant is located on Jln Tuanku Abdul Rahman. Sebelah Gulati's, berdepan dengan Globe. If you're coming from Sogo (on your right), it's just on the next shop lots on your right. Tanya orang, sure tahu punya! Good luck!
MrsNordin said…

I've mentioned the location of Insaf above (at Kama's).

Yes, my BIL finally got engaged. Yang I introduced tu tak jadi. Entahlah... tak ngam kut. But this girl pun ok, very sweet and polite.
MrsNordin said…

Sesekali kalau pegi Jln Tuanku Abdul Rahman, boleh lah singgah...

Thanks for dropping by!


I tak pernah try buat briyani sendiri coz I think it's so difficult. But I'm sure it tastes nice too. Home-cooked food is always nice!

Awat tak update blog??
MrsNordin said…

Pegang2 kain tu memang best! Rasa2 dulu, fikir2 dulu... do that to at least 3 shops before you buy one. Hee... hee...


I dah tak larat beli kain kat Jakarta. I know over there is very cheap. Infact, I still have a few pieces left from my last trip there yang tak berbuat baju lagi!
MrsNordin said…
Desert Rose,

Briyani Insaf punya pasal, Kanda you call 12 kali tak dengar?? Ha! Ha! I'm not surprised! Mak mentua lalu pun sure tak nampak punya kalau tengah makan briyani Insaf! Hee.. hee..!
MrsNordin said…
Hi Mimi,

Yes, your office is so near that place. Banyak tempat makan kat situ.

Btw, I don't really enjoy taking part in wedding preps, saja menolong mana yang mampu...
MrsNordin said…

That's right! I refrained myself from buying that day sebab takut menggunung kain2 kat dalam almari nak buat baju!

I think, you'd better send some out to the tailor. Nanti boleh beli lagi! Hee.. hee...
Unknown said…
I love Masjid India too!

Boleh jalan berjam-jam, tak beli apa pun tak apa, cuci mata jer.

Pernah jalan kat situ for three hours and ended up buying a packet of stick on 'pottus' only! Hehehe....

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