
We have blocked Ceria TV program on Astro. My little boy has been picking up "bad" words from Hagemaru.

Nizzar loves to watch TV programs on Ceria and his favourites are "Geng Bas Sekolah", "Tom Tom Bak" and "Hagemaru". Sometimes ada Ultraman, he watches that too.

Of late, I've been hearing him say strange words like "Berjaya!", "Ba*g**g!", "B*d*h!" which is so uncalled for. Every time he said these words, sure kena marah by either me or his siblings. I was wondering where he got to know these words, rupa2 dari si Hagemaru.

Last night, I was watching Hagemaru with him. I've never actually watched the whole thing in one sitting. Actually, kelakar jugak cerita tu. No wonder anak2 K. Ezza suka tengok cerita ni. I mengekek2 ketawa! It's quite ba*g**g, actually... tapi funny! Hee.. hee... (see the kind of things I have to watch these days?)

Anyway, since I want my boy to pick up English as well, I've asked the older kids to block Ceria until further notice. Now he can only watch the English programs like Mickey Mouse, Pocoyo and such. He used to love watching these cartoons before, but after he discovered Ceria, terus tak nak tengok Disney Channel.

But now he likes "Power Puff Girls" pulak! Alamak... Nizzar... you're a boy lah!

One more thing, he also likes to watch "Indah" on Astro Awani (or Oasis, I'm not sure). This one I know is from my maid. That boy can even sing the song by heart! "Malam ini...... ku sendiri..." If he was happy, he'd be singing this song in full version. No joke!

To distract him from all these "non-educational" TV programs, I'm teaching him a new song:

"Papa ku pulang dari kota.... Papa ku belikan kereta....."

Hee.. hee... he loves the "Pon! Pon! Pon!" bit!


nanti satu hari bila dia dah masuk tadika..lagi banyak perkataan perkataan baru yang di pelajari nya...esp dari rakan rakan baru dia....ayat ayat seperti..bodoh,bapak engkau ..ba**,
dan sewaktu dengan nya..terutama kalau dia masuk ke tadika yang banyak orang kita...adoi bj..akak ni dah banyak melalui bende2 ni....dan macam2 cara akak buat pada anak anak ni..antara nya..kena tampar kat mulut dia...kena cili...
kena sergah dari mak dia yang garang ni...tapi its works...

Malu kita kalau dia sebut bende tak elok tu depan orang...
zaitgha said…
itu biasa la Mrs.N, now from tv like kak Ezza said soon from school pulak...

btw, beside that song, i thought my sons this song...

Mana kucing 2x
Di Dapur 2x
Curi ikan goreng 2x
Meow, meow, meow....he he

nostalgic la pulak...
ummisara said…

i ketawa baca posting nih...sbb i've experienced it.

Dulu my maid ada, my girl siap buleh balik dan cerita kat i lagi apa terjadi dengan drama indoensia...i naik pening sbb i dont like to watch indon drama.

Itu belum bab drama melayu lagi...aduhhh!!!!

Then she picked up few bad words...i takut dengaq!!!! tapi alhamdulillah as she get older...dia lebih berhati-2.

Gud luck hehehheh!!!
nj said…
my children used to love Hagemaru..till I got really mad...
And later on they picked up this "Spice Girls" quite entertaining too even the abah also likes to watch it...
And now my 4-yr old Haikal is enjoying Hannah Montana la pulak because the brother and sister watch it...
When I was small...I suka tengok "Eight is Enough" and "Little House on the Prairie"...susah nak jumpa cerita mcm tu lagi sekarang ni...
Mama Huptihup said…

haha ank2 i belum jumpa lagi ceria...i just bg my kids tgk playhouse disney tu...katun robot2 tu i mmg x bagi...

hehe u know, masa odin kecik2 dulu dia selalu kata 'shit'...well dapat dr i lah kan...so i punyalah tergejut...that time he was only 2 yrs old..imagine betapa tergejutnya i...so i teruslah watch out my words kan...so our solutions was, everytime he said the word, we sabun his mouth with hand soap and gave him strong warning...yes we were cruel because he was then only 2 yrs old, i admit...even my stepsons pun masa kecik2 kena sabun mulut....we all sabun mulut odin sampai ada ketika tu dia smp muntah...few times kena sabun, i tak dgr dah word tu dr mulut dia....ada few times my husband terrrrkeluar word tu in front of odin, so my husband pun sabun mulut, just to show odin that nobody is allowed to say the word haha...gila la kami punya parenting skills, but it works!!!now when emil ckp words bukan2, odin akan remind i 'mama, sabun mulut emil!'
ms hart said…
MrsN...ya, I dah block kan Ceria tu, but my son tunjuk bakat jadik technician...he main try-try picit numbers tu, sekali, tadaaaah...boleh bukak! Geram betul! You know, I sampai tanya orang Astro, macam mana kalau I tak nak this channel? Dia kat tak boleh, kak, memang dah sedia ada. I was like "Whaaaat???" I wonder siapa lah yang decide to include this channel dalam the must have package. It's not doing any good at all to our kids. Sigh....I pernah nak tulis kat paper but never got round to do it. Maybe one day kena jugak kot, ya?

p/s I pun macam Kak Ezza...tenyeh 'lisptick' cili!!!;-)
Kmar said…

Kids can pick up ´dirty words´ very fast. Tak kira la dari tv ke, dari sekolah ke.. etc.. I kekadang didn´t know the meaning of the words until someone point it out.

What I do is to tell them not to use those ´dirty words´ BECAUSE I don´t use them at home. Neither their father. I told them, they can listen and let others use those words. I keep on telling them that they are ´different´ from others and that is why they shouldn´t use the ´dirty words´.

So far so good tapi tak tahu la kat belakang kita... ceritanya might be lain. Bukan senang nak ajar toddlers.
MrsNordin said…
K. Ezza,

Memang segan kita kalau dia sebut benda2 yang tak elok tu depan orang. That's why we're trying hard to contain his "bad word" vocab.

Tampar pipi tu I pernah buat, tapi cili tu belum lagi. Tak sampai hati kut... Tapi kalau teruk sangat nanti, kena jugak alamatnya.

Why do they pick up bad words so easily? I wonder...
MrsNordin said…

Ha! Ha! I like that "kucing" song! I'll surely teach him that one! Ikut rhyme "Are you sleeping 2x", kan?
MrsNordin said…

I don't understand why he likes cerita Indon tu. Macam faham betul pulak tu! Siap concentrate every time it comes on screen. Macam2!
MrsNordin said…

Masa kita kecik, cartoon yang ada cuma Scooby Doo... Tom & Jerry... Road Runner.... Mana ada Power Puff Girls or Hagemaru!

I love Little House on the Prairie too. Laura Ingalls!
MrsNordin said…

You (and your husband's) tactics in teaching your kids are harsh but effective. Tenyeh sabun? I'm sure they'll remember that for the rest of their lives! I think, that's better than cili..
MrsNordin said…
Ms Hart,

I heard Ceria is not too bad, Cartoon Network is even worse. But Nizzar belum lagi berminat channel tu.

From my observation, most of the programs on Ceria tak ada message, cuma kelakar yang lebih. (maybe that's why it's called "Ceria"!) They don't teach good moral values and such. Not good for small children.

p/s tulis lah surat tu. Nanti I bagi support.
MrsNordin said…

I wish I could rationalise with Nizzar like how you do it with your kids. I'll sure try.

Dulu, bila dia marah, he would utter the word "B*d*h!". After dah kena marah berkali2, these days I noticed he would say, "Detective Tonan! (Conan)"

I wonder why...
Anonymous said…
We decided to send our 4yrs old son to kindy (some say it's too early) to avoid dia duduk dpn tv one whole day with my maid watching astro ceria or worst, aruna. At least now, he gets to learn for 3hrs at kindy, ptg2 tu selalunya he'll take a nap, so not much time for tv coz i suruh my maid keluarkan his toys to keep him occupied kalau dia x tido ptg. I think he prefers Disney Playhse tp my maid nak tgk sekali, so my maid insists anak2 i tgk astroceria coz in malay & dia paham... what to do, we r not home to monitor all these.
Anonymous said…
mrsN . what was the word spoken.. hmm parenting.. it has been a long time for me ..now im waiting and still waiting for my cucu
MrsNordin said…

I'm planning to send him to kindy soon too, but have yet to check out any. I think he needs friends and things to do, otherwise he would be glued to the TV screen.

MrsNordin said…

Eh, your daughter baru kahwin lah... dah tak sabar nak dapat cucu?? Anxious nya!
Unknown said…
Hi BJ,

Its been a while since i last commented. But just to share with u, at home I lock all channels but Playhouse Disney (kid related) and all the Ria , Aruna, or whatever, (cos we do not want the maid to be watching that with the child).

If I am home or taking the kids out, i will unlock it for the maid to take a break, of sorts.

But the worst thing is, my daugther has picked up some bad words, from ME!!! esp when I drive grrrrrrrrrrr kena slap my own mouth nie.
MrsNordin said…
Hi Aida,

Yes, that's another danger too. I think Nizzar picked up some of the bad words from his siblings. Must be careful with that we say, huh?

Hope everything is fine at your end.. :)
nahiella said…
my son selalu pick-up bad words from the cousins.......kesudahannya....i saja jarang2 visit my sis!
zaitgha said…
a ah Mrs.N...sing it to Are u sleeping tune...nak cakap earlier just couldnt recall R u sleeping he he....
the principal said…
kat rumah I ada sorang knk2 dewasa (umur 38 tahun; note bukan 3 & 8 tahun) yg nak kena tenyeh cili & sabun mulut, selalu terkeluar bad words...geram betul bila dgr.

I remember a boy in my class sebut dodol. And his classmate, a girl jerit, "teacher emy, irfan said dodol". I asked her "what's wrong with the word?" And she said, "its a bad word". Maybe it sounds like b*d*h, dogol???
CS said…
Mrs N, while you and the rest are facing the same problem, I on the hand just smile sweetly from here. There will come a time when you too will smile as sweetly as me when reminiscing our children's antic.
Yasmin Ahmad when asked why she uses words like ?*?!!? in her films, her answer was "cerita P.Ramlee pun ada perkataan2 tu". So there..

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