Selamat Hari Jadi...

While I'm still doing my "thinking", here's announcing that today is MrNordin's birthday! (kalau dah suka menulis tu, memang gatal jugak tangan ni nak menaip, kan? hee.. hee)

MrNordin...MrNordin... what can I say about you today?

M - Metrosexual (he used to follow me for manicure & pedicure!)

R - Romantic (his words are like "sugar")

N - Notable (he stands out in a crowd)

O - Organized (very pantang kalau rumah tak kemas!)

R - Rational (Quite strict, but fair. Must reason with him)

D - Delightful (very pleasant to be with, a funny character, and charming too)

I - Insightful (looks deeper, never skim the surface)

N - Not Available! (he's mine, of course!)

Here's a picture when he was 10 years old.

Here's one when his cheeky mood strikes! (Raya 2006)


DeeDee said…
Happy Birthday MR.N,
what a catch la Mrs.N hehe. My husband jangan kan nak tunggu I pedicure, I nak beli apa-apa pun he will say, take your time dear I will be at Starbuck. Ish

I loveeee the last picture.
Dah ambik ke your "bulu-bulu costume" from drycleaner for the big birthday present? wink**
MrsNordin said…

Aiyo! I haven't thought about the "big" birthday present lah!

Even if not "bulu-bulu", I think I have a "Tarzan & Jane" somewhere at the back of my drawer! Hee.. hee...
tireless mom said…

Happy birthday to MrN. Many happy returns. If you have a change of heart to share this in the blog, tak dapat lah I wish him. So continue writing lah my dear. I enjoy your entries. I nak keep it a secret jadi macam MTT, please include me in ok.

Wah pic tu macam cerita P Ramlee lah. Sarimah and P Ramlee.
ms hart said…
Happy birthday and all the bst wishes dunia akhirat for your better half, MrsN! Ha-aaa lah...gambar tu macam Remy & Sally gitu!!;-)
Dad of 4+1 said…
Convey our birthday wishes to MrN! Last pic is da bomb!
wanshana said…
Happy Birthday to MrN!!

Hmmmm - Taureans memang have the best traits... ;)

Waaaah, Tarzan and Jane?! Got 4-poster bed - can gayut-gayut and hang from one post to another...Hehehe!
MrsNordin said…

It's your birthday too today, right? (kalau tak silap I lah.)
selamat hari jadi Cik Nordin!...semuga murah rezeki panjang umur dan di beri kesihatan yang baik...Bj,,skema nya dia masa kecik...heheh I pun ada beg macam tu masa nak pi sekolah...
mamalisa said…
Happy birthday to ur lover..
Am sure there will be a great party is in plan/done already?

mrs, do u have email add, nak invite to my blog :-)
Happy Birthday Nordin!!

Jangan lupa bersorak mcm Tarzan malam nanti!!
the principal said…
Happy Birthday to Mr Nordin. Gambar yg last tu, what was d occasion? Macam scene joget lambak je...
MamaEta said…
Bj...nasib baik ini blog belum tutup arr....
Ade mcm2 celiter..mcm2 gambar...kalu ituu tuan punya badan merajuk..habis arr...
Really love ur antiques lah sayang oii....
slmt ulang tahun juga untuk MrNordin..
Akhir sekali..itu gambar beesh!!...hari pertama pengantin ke ape?
MrsNordin said…
Principal, Eta,

The photo was taken on 1st raya 2006, in my MIL's garden. That was the first time her garden was used as the background for a photo shoot; usually her living room sahaja.

Since we had a nice background, saja je suka2 ambil gambar ala2 P.Ramlee-Saloma. Itu pun, just us. Orang lain tak nak posing macam tu punya... Hee.. hee...
MrsNordin said…

My email:

Unknown said…
Happy Birthday MrN.

This sure is gonna be one good weekend yer.


Have fun. opppsss sorry I hope u HAD fun ehhehehehe
ummisara said…
Happy Birthday Mr. N...

Wah...i sukeeeee gambor yang last tu....!!!!
MrsNordin said…
Thanks Aida, and thanks all for your kind wishes! MrN has read all your comments last night but was too sleepy to reply. Thanks again!

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