Winter Sonata

I watched Winter Sonata again last night. This, after much hesitation. For those who have watched this Korean drama before, you'll know what i mean.

I first watched this unforgettable love story in 2003 on strong recommendation by my office buddy, Ruzaini. She was sitting next to me at that time and was really crazy for BYJ as she had just finished watching the 20-episodes. Everyday she would go, "Yati... you must watch this! It's sooooo nice!"

I didn't buy it at first, thinking that it was nonsense. Ada banyak kerja lain lagi nak buat. But one day, she just pushed the first CD onto my hand and said, "You try tengok ini dulu, nanti you bagi tau I you suka ke tidak." And the rest was history.

Winter Sonata is highly infectious. It can cause severe damage to your emotional system. I remember watching it at MrNordin's house (masa tu belum kawin) with the girls and the maid. It was bulan puasa. All of us would be camping inside the TV room with tissues and bantal in hand, anxious to know what would happen to Kang Ju Xiang and Yu Jin. Kadang2 sampai pukul 3 pagi!

And the story would make you cry buckets. At every CD. One would go,"Alah.... tak larat lah nak nangis lagi!!", another one would go, "Huuu... huuuu... sedih nya!!!", and another would just cry her heart out silently sampai habis basah bantal! Hee.. hee... tapi best!

MrNordin always found that scene where all of us sitting infront of the TV crying, very fascinating. He couldn't understand why we had to torture ourselves that way.

So, as I watched the first two CDs last night (each one lasted for about 1.5 hours), it transported my memories back to the days when I first got hit by the Winter Sonata craze. The feeling was still the same, but this time, I was more prepared.

And I just read Superwoman's posting on this, which she did sometime end-2006. She was even more fanatical then, and I wonder if she still feel the same way now. Read hers here.

So SW, this one is especially for you. Enjoy it and start the waterwork, people!!

Winter Sonata


MamaEta said…
Alamak Bj...meh kita jadi first to comment....

Sapa2 pun akan suka dan ingat the story line...yg sesungguhnya sangat romantik dan menyuntun perasaan...lagi pulak for those yang mungkin pernah melalui bibit cinta sedemikian rupa..aduh...

and the song too...

p/s:..Camna lak tetiba ingat kat winter sonata...Mood Valentine lagi???
Laa BJ I baru nak baik nih... Sekarang dah parah ...

I cannot , cannot , cannot...hear the songs.

Terus akan transport me back to the WS time...I akan angau balik semulaaaa.. it is soo romantic kan and he is suuuucccccchhhhhhhhhh a gentleman!
bella said…
My sister and mak are those who are the big fans of WS. I tak mahu tengok sebab I am afraid of this la..that feeling of mendayu2 tue...adoii, i can imagine. I have the CD at home. My sister gave them to me, saying, one day, one day, you have to watch...nantilah...hehehe...
dekat speedy ada tak vcd ni...
the principal said…
I punye giler kat filem ni sanggup gi Nami Island nak dptkan feel tu. Tpt tu teramatlah cantik, if not because of the food, mmg I nak gi sekali lagi....
wanshana said…

I was introduced to Winter Sonata when I was on my 4 months stint in the UK in 2006. My friend's mom came to visit her, and I would temankan her mom melayan perasaan watching this 'tragic' love story. Memang addicted habis...

I memang tak boleh lupa how Ju Xiang would call the girl, "Yu Jin aaaaarrr"... Hehehe!

Hmmmm, dah lama tak melayan perasaan tengok Korean dramas ni. Need to start a regime on this soon :)
Naz in Norway said…
Mrs N,
I'm probably one of the very few yang tak pernah tengok WS. CD ada (a gift from a WS fanatic!) but belum rasa terpanggil.
Nanti mlm nak tengok.
Mama Huptihup said…

I tgk cerita ni tp lompat2 sbb i keja dulu kan...sedih but ya rabbiiiii slownya la...blh satu scene tu takde ckp apa2..diam dan senyap sunyi haha...but the song, alamak, i sedih betul bila dgr, walaupun tak paham apa kan...
Ummi365 said…
oh no dont start it please... ada yang gi office bengkak mata ni kang and jalan terhuyung hayang hehehe
i tak pernah follow la..i tak pernah follow apa2 soap opera pun sebab tak de kesabaran dan kesetiaan..but i know story ni berhantu..and i dah tau ending dis sedey, jadi nasib baik i tak tgk lagi, if not..terbayang2 sampai sekarang..
MrsNordin said…

You tengok cerita ni? Eeeee... best kan? It's soooooooo nice and he's soooooo good looking! I think that's why cerita ni macam berhantu. I dah tengok dua kali repeat, but the second one, lompat2. Tak sabar nak habiskan!! Heh... heh...
MrsNordin said…

I know... I know.... sorry lah I buatkan luka lama you berdarah kembali!

Hey, like I said, we MUST watch this together one of these days. We'll book a room and play WS all day long. And nangis puas-puas!! I can imagine how it'll be like. Sure best like hell!

From one BYJ fan to another.
MrsNordin said…

YOU MUST WATCH IT!! You'll thank us for this! Kirim salam to your sister and mak ~ say from one WS fan to another!! Hee.. hee...
MrsNordin said…

Kat Speedy ada rasanya. Tapi kalau nak pinjam I punya pun boleh! Akak mesti tengok cerita ni. Anak2 akak sure will go crazy over it!
MrsNordin said…

You dah pegi Nami Island? You're so lucky! A friend at my office pun dah pegi Korea, ikut the WS tour. She went to rumah Yu Jin and the lake. She said best betul!!

Hai... bilalah I nak ke sana!
MrsNordin said…

Tengok kat UK sorang2 gitu sure lagi haru. I'm sure you menangis bagai nak rak tengok Yu Jin & Ju Xiang!

I think, the songs make this drama more tragic and memorable. It's so nice!
MrsNordin said…

YOU MUST WATCH IT! Just try the first CD tonight, only the first one. I think you'll like it.

Let me know kalau you dah tengok, ok?
MrsNordin said…

I watched each one dilligently sampai the last 3 episodes. Yang tu I forward forward sebab tak sabar nak tahu kesudahannya. The girls marah I buat macam tu coz they said I cheated. Now I must watch them again!
MrsNordin said…

Hee.. hee... you remind me of the mata bengkak pegi office! I pun macam tu jugak dulu! Horror...

I'm glad you are a fan as well!
MrsNordin said…

Go and tengoklah... Watch the first CD dulu (no cheating, ok?). I'm sure you'll like it!

Memang kena banyak sabar tengok cerita ni, and housework kena put on hold for at least a couple of days. Kalau abang you kasi, ok lah.

Hai... luka lama berdarah kembali!
Kak Teh said…
Mrs N, kak teh puntak pernah tengok walaupun a freind bought me the whole series. My siblings semua hantu drama korea and ada a few friends here in London macam tu juga. My siblings boleh buat rombongan tikar bantal from one house to another sebab nak menghayati drama ni bersama-sama.
MrsNordin said…
Kak Teh,

I bukan lah "hantu" drama Korea. WS tu satu je lah yang I pernah tengok...

But one can easily get hooked to this kind of drama series. Like I said, it's infectious. Much like Neighbours or EastEnders or even Dallas, for that matter. Remember Sue Ellen? Hee.. hee...

I like your siblings ~ siap bawak tikar bantal from one house to another! Punyalah syok tengom cerita tu! Cheers!
Desert Rose said…
Dear MN,

I think Koreans are great composer, their songs did magic, This WS punya theme song is very mesmerizing although u tak paham sepatah haram pun kan.

I 've been too the places yg jadi scene untk WS kat Korea, betapa taksubnya I kat cite tu la kan.

But....cite hantu nye punya la slow, bukan lembap lagi, tapi basah kuyup.

So, if u r to watch Korean drama, better stick to Romance kalau cite hantu toksah tgk, karang u tido tunggu hantu tu nak kuar, kecik hati jembalang tu plak k.

p/s : Pasni try tgk Stairways to Heaven lak, minah tu la gak pelakon utamanya.
Anonymous said…
Ish apasal I tak penah 'terpanggil' to watch this movie huh. I kick start korean drama with My House. Astaga. Macam sick puppy I drool over Rain. Ensem yang beyong description. When I was pregnant, dah gemuk sangat sampai tak larat nak bergerak, I jadik couch potato and beli korean cd secara "pukal" from speedy.
The result= I rasa anak I 'kenan' korean actor. He has really red lips. Padahal mak bapaknya ni sangat lah kunta kente.

Pls extend invitation ye kalau ada sesi makcik blogger tengok WS. I nak bawak kain batik (economy meleset. cannot waste money on boxes of tissues just for crying).

MrsNordin said…
Hi Desert Rose,

So you ni salah seorang ahli rombongan cik kiah ke Korea lah, ya? I'm sure best giler! Dapat jumpa BYJ tak? Hee.. hee... my friend cakap, dalam public toilet pun ada gambar Yu-Jin!

Which one is cerita hantu Korea? Is Ju-On Korean or Japanese?
MrsNordin said…

I always wonder, siapa lah "Rain" ni... He is one of Celcom's ambassadors, tapi I tak pernah tahu siapa dia (apart from advert shampoo dia tu lah ~ "Nama saya Rain..." . Hee.. hee...)

I will! I will call you kalau kita buat sessi makcik blogger tengok WS. Mahu banjir tempat tu agaknya!

p/s Wah.. anak you red lips? Sure cantik!
Anonymous said…
dear mrsnordin...

masa citer ni famous kat tv3 i study lagi n sibuk exam. N last episode of Ws happened to be btol2 masa my last paper before graduate... if i'm not mistaken citer ni start dlm kul 5 ke 5.30 camtulah... exam i plak habis kul 5... rumah sewa dgn class agak jauh ok... i dah plan a nite b4... i mesti kena kuar dari exam hall at 4pm... so i boleh sampai umah in time of the series start... i tak tido lagsung dat time coz i need to study hard to make sure i manage to answer all the calculus question in 2 hours instead of 3 hours... U know what... i manage to do that....hahaha so funny... just for the series... i manage to get to see the series and score A+ for the paper... i'm bless ... lucky me...

Please jgn biar anak u jadi cam i... hahhahaha...
MrsNordin said…

I respect kat you lah! 2 hours speeding through your Maths final papers just so you can watch WS and still scored an A+ for it ~ you're brilliant! Penangan WS punya pasal, kan? Hee.. hee...

My daughters pun ada jugak ikut2 perangai macam you ni. They watched "Meteor Garden" dulu macam ni lah. For me, as long as you score, I tak kisah tengok cerita apa pun, biar lah...

Thanks for sharing!
BJ!!!! Watch FULLHOUSE - rain is there.

Go to rahsia online koreandrama ....

sekarang I tengah suka BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS

takboleh tengok, sekali tertengok,hooked. Serious. BBF ni pun I TER tengok lepas channel surfing.
kay_leeda said…

I know WS is like so, so best and there are also other Korean soaps yg boleh keep you going all night long, one CD after the other. My clients from gomen many yg head over heels suka kat hero dia tu (apa nama tah...I tak kenai..)Unfortunately, I have never gotten to watch WS or apa-apa soaps yg sewaktu dgn nyer. But I knw the song memang boleh make you cry yr lungs out.

Upon reading yr entry ni, macam excited nak pi cari DVD dia la pulak. Ada jual kat mana eh??
MrsNordin said…

I'll check it out!


I think, kat mana2 kedai video ada (yang banyak jual drama series like that, in boxes). If not, Speedy pun should have. Good luck! If you like it, next year kita buat trip pegi Korea, nak? Hee.. hee...
Anonymous said…
Yes MrsN, betul kata Superwoman. Kena tengok Nama Saya Rain dalam Fullhouse. I tengok the whole season in 1 1.5 days. Sampai menggigil tahan nak pegi toilet nak tunggu habis dulu the episode. Bukan tak boleh pause. Tapi macam tak smooth lah kalau main pause pause ni.
Kalau I jadik Shazalli, tak bagi bonus dah kat you pasai tak kenai siapa itu Rain yang sangat ala ala angkuh di dalam Fullhouse itu.

How do I find u in FB? I will show you my son pic then you know betapa mendalamnya pengaruh Korean drama to my fetus dulu.

MrsNordin said…

Look out for Noorhayati Munit. I look forward to seeing your son's red lips!
Anonymous said…
ws? ehh.. apsal i tak terpanggil ah? yelah love the song tp tak pernah watch lak. ruzaini didnt say anything pun.

hmm must get 1 nih.. i lagi la kan.. minah leleh 10x ganda dari u. tgk bat latif kena bantai dgn normadiah pun (old old old movie ler tu) berjurai2 ayomata. hik.

hmm anne baru ckp ni.. u watch stairways to heaven lagi sedih giler. 10x tgk, 10x nangis.. kena carik nehh..

~gf at office~
MrsNordin said…

You can borrow mine, if you want.

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