My Little Ultraman

I was taking my shower this morning when I heard a little voice outside the bathroom, "Mummy... Mummy..".

The little boy had woken up and was looking for me.

I answered, "Yes....", and I heard him cry.

I just kept quiet and after a while, the little voice went silent. I thought he must have gone back to sleep.

To my surprise, I saw this as I opened the bathroom door after my shower!

He was waiting for me outside the bathroom sampai tertidur2 kat situ! Hee.. hee...

Inilah dikatakan "Occupational Hazard". Malam tadi main Ultraman sampai pukul 12.30 tak mahu tidur lagi. Now ada dua orang dayang2 kat rumah, sukahati lah our friend. Kalau Kak Sri tak nak main, dia ajak "Kakak Baru" main. And as someone new, the new maid is very obliging.

Dah habis bersepah all his toys, bila suruh kemas balik, he'd look at me and whisper, "Kakak baru boleh kemas..." Eh, banyak cantik! No way! As much as possible, I would force him to pick up his own toys. Ingat anak raja ke apa?

But in the end, normally we would be the ones picking up after his Ultraman pieces. Sigh...

But I love you anyway, little Ultraman! Peace!


kay_leeda said… nyer dok terlena by the bathroom!!

Stay cool yah Little Ultraman :)
MrsNordin said…
Thanks Kay! Kesian sungguh I tengok dia terlentok tidur kat tepi pintu tu tadi pagi tunggu mak dia keluar bilik air. And so cute too!
Kesiannya! He looked a sight tersandar kat dinding tu..hehehe..

Good discipline that you are instilling in Nizzar. Kalau dah buat sepah kena kemas sendiri! :-)

macam pakai kain pelikat je si kecik ni...or pakai tuala mandi...

cute je tgk dia terlentuk kat dinding tu...ala cian nye....
Kmar said…
BJ, so cute anak you ni... ha.ha.ha.. Rindu kat maknya la tu...:)).

I still remember one day, balik lewat malam and they already tidur dalam kereta. They need a quick shower sebab kotor sesangat. Can u imagine, the whole process of tanggal baju, masuk dalam bathtub, basuh rambut.. pakai baju... baring.. tidur.. with their eyes closed!!!
Zihan said…
Comelnya you punya ultraman mini :)

I am also trying to get my 2 boys to pick up after themselves tapi most of times kurang berjaya. Berbuih mulut I, they all make donno je..Good luck to us.

MrsNordin said…

Hee.. hee.... when I picked him up pun, his eyes were still closed. Penat sangat lah tu..!
MrsNordin said…

That's his seluar, buat dari kain pelikat bapak dia. Si Sri yang buat kan, and it's quite stylish.
MrsNordin said…

Ha! Ha! Dalam bath tub pun boleh tertidur!! Kesian... Kucing pun macam tu, kan? Kadang2 when they are so sleepy, you buat apa kat they all pun, they won't bother!

MrsNordin said…

Bab kemas mainan dia ni yang I tak larat. Rumah tu kadang2 habis berselerak dengan Ultraman dia, dari depan sampai ke belakang. Everywhere you turn ada saja Ultraman merah tu. Pening!

Yes, good luck to us!
Kmar said…
BJ, wait until he starts to play with small pieces stuffs like LEGO. Berselerak is one thing. Worse, bila kita terpijak... mak ooi... sakitnya kaki, sakitnya hati!!!....

Masa tu suara kita pun boleh power macam siren ambulance... ha.ha.ha..

Btw, selamat hari raya aidil adha..
MrsNordin said…

Lego pun ada... dah banyak kali terpijak. Sakit oii!!

Selamat hari raya aidul adha to you too!
wanshana said…
Chomei nya Nizzar... Hehehe!

Kesian sungguh terlentok kat luar bilik mandi menunggu Mommy tak keluar-keluar!

Masa anak-anak I kecik dulu, berbuih ngajar they all to kemas their toys after they're done with them. Tak jalan pun, until one fine day, I just scoop everything up and campak semua dalam tong sampah. That finally did the trick! Hehehe!
MrsNordin said…

Hee... hee... that's a good tip! I'll try that one!
DeeDee said…
adorable ya amat
Aunty nak peluk Little Ultraman 80 kali ok

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