Goodbye Michael

I just finished watching another set of Michael Jackson's music videos. Since the day he passed away, people in my house have been glued to the TV watching him dance and sing, every day. Even Nizzar has taken a liking for Thriller and Beat It, and can imitate some of the more famous moves.

The more I watch his videos, the more fascinated I become of this extraordinary human being that is known worldwide as the King of Pop. Indeed, the title belonged to him and him alone.

What is so amazing about MJ is that he is such a great performer and a fantastic dancer. I can watch his videos again and again and yet, I won't get tired of it. I can still watch Billie Jean tomorrow and still find something new that will captivate my attention and I'll get hooked. How many artists have that same effect on us?


I enjoy watching Madonna too, be it her music videos or concerts, but the effect is not the same. For one, Madonna cannot sing. She is a good performer, no doubt, but her moves are nothing compared to MJ's. Plus, she's full of controversy. It's either you love her or you hate her.

But with MJ, it's different. It's just pure dancing and good music. This guy can really dance! And he's amazing! Put aside his fascination for weird stuff like altering his face or naming his youngest child "Blanket", I think he's a brilliant performer.

I think when you are so famous, something's gotta give. You can't have the best of both worlds. Just like Diana, Elvis and Marilyn Monroe... they were famous and were adored by millions around the world and yet they were not happy. Ironically, they all died a sudden death, just like MJ. And that is so sad.

For those who have nothing good to say about him, just save your comment to yourselves. Let him rest in peace. Calling him a "low life" and a "pervert" after his passing is uncouth especially from a politician who is running for the US Senate.

I also read in the weekend newspaper a small article written by a local wartawan hiburan. She said, she doesn't understand why people are so crazy over MJ. To her, he is not that great because if you stripped down all the props and equipment used in his music videos and concerts, he is nothing. She's all for "good singing talent" because to her, if you are a good singer, "menyanyi di padang pun sedap..."

How shallow is her thinking. Malas nak komen.

Today mark the day when the world makes its final send-off to MJ. He will be buried at Forest Lawn, California followed by a memorial service at Staples Centre thereafter.

Despite what people say, he will be remembered for his music and talent that have touched many hearts over the last four decades.

Thank you for the music, Michael. I love you.


MJ ni satu nama dia lain dari yang lain...saya memang minat dia dari dulu lagi,dari masa rambut dia bulat dan kembang sampai lah jadi omputih ni...kalau tak minat dia ok, tapi jangan lah perkecik kan dia...
BTW..masa dalam perjalanan pulang dari Melaka hari tu, akak singgah Nilai3..ada satu kedai tu jual mainan..ada patung Ultramen besar kat situ..langsung akak terkenang kan NIzzar!
zaitgha said…
Yes mam, agree with you...there will be no other person who could equal or surpass MJ ...his talent is really God given...

mumsie said…
actually i oso cannot appreciate MJ nih so i'll keep quiet. I am obsessed with Anuar zain though! hahaha...
kay_leeda said…
Say what they want, I LOVE MJ!! His music is brilliant and he's one of a kind. A legend yang tak kan dapat dicari pengganti.

Farewell MJ, you'll be missed.
tireless mom said…
Ditto in agreement with you dear. I watched the last rehersal that he did on tv with awe. He can still sing and dance like how he first fascinated me during the Off The Wall era. No words can describe how talented he is and truly an iconic artist.
DadaIQ said…
You are right BJ. We were all crazy over him in school till now. It was a real tragic what had happened to him but his music will live on forever. May he rest in peace...

Hahaha...I can attest yg you and your family memang suka ler sangat tengok MJ's video! Alya loved Nizzar's dancing moves to Beat It. She was also tickled by his imitation of MJ's heavy breathing in that song. That boy is simply ADORABLE!!
Anonymous said…
Siapa wartawan yang memnbuat komen yang tak berhemat. Pernah ke dia mendengar MJ bernyayi tanpa mic atau musical intruments. He was awesome. He was God's gift. I recalled back then in college, MJ was hit on Thriller at the same time Prince was up too. No one can or ever surpas him ever. I also agreed with you where you made on comment about other great figures Diana, Elvis, Marilyn and also MJ had sudden death. You know.. it was like ahaaa to me . Another great entry .. thank you.
MrsNordin said…
Kak Ezza,

My earliest memory of him was "Billie Jean". I watched him on TV again and again, wondering how cool he was in the video. I was in Form 3, I think, at that time.

Masa dia rambut kembang dan bulat tu, I kecik lagi, so tak ingat sangat. Only of late dapat tengok all his videos when he was with Jackson 5. Wow... there are awesome! Really talented!

Kat Nilai 3 ada Ultraman besar? Kena pegi ni!! Hee.. hee...
MrsNordin said…

Yes, there will be no other MJ. He will be missed.


It's a matter of preference, really. So it's ok if you tak suka dia. I like Anuar Zain too! He's second on my list after Jamal Abdillah!! Yippee!!
MrsNordin said…

I can imagine you are a big fan of MJ. The world has lost another great talent. Sukar di cari ganti, just like our P.Ramlee.
MrsNordin said…

I don't quite remember Off The Wall, but Billie Jean ~ yes! But now, looking at his old videos make me realise that he was indeed a great artist. One of a kind! I especially like "Don't Blame It On The Sunshine"
MrsNordin said…

Hehe.. talking about school days! Beat It was the thing! Siap buat konsert lagi! (but I can't remember who became the MJ)
MrsNordin said…

Hee.. hee... that boy is so cute, kan? Did he do the Thriller move that night? That's even cuter!

On Sunday morning, after breakfast, he came to me and said, "Mummy, jom tengok Michael Jackson, nak?" So we watched the concert one more round!
MrsNordin said…

MJ has a unique voice and can sing very well. He wrote a lot of his songs too, so we know he could sing. That's why I was shocked when I read the wartawan's comment. Has she ever seen him sing live or not? Geez... so shallow!
Unknown said…

we must get nizzar and khalil together. Cos khalil tries to imitate MJ's singing.... the high notes esp.

I miss him too .. I watched the memorial early this morning and am sorta stoned today, but meeting U, madam, shila and yatt for lunch perked me up for a bit hehehehe

But yeah save all bad comments, now that he's gone. Anyway, he did more good than bad, and that's how he should be remembered.

MrsNordin said…

Well said. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Mrs N,
I cried buckets when I watched the Memorial. Apart from his brilliant dances and songs, he has been the leading advocator of humanitarian and global warming issues through his music and video...much, much longer than the much-hyped Angelina J or the gory Al-Gore.. I you MJ, I miss him still!
Anonymous said…
the missing word is "miss".
KG said…

Am not very much a music person...but i like Ben....and pity him for the live tt he lives...making other pple happy but he himself lonely!!
bella said…
MrsN,MJ has made such a big impact on all of us, especially from my generation.I remember when I was at boarding school on a friday night, we "booked" places at the TV room, and luckily we were seniors, we had front rows. It was to watch the newest clip, "Bad", how everyone was so into his "oeuvres".I was also lucky to have been to one of his concerts in Paris. That was a great experience, and I think of him as someone who has contributed to the world with his oeuvres and some appreciate them and some don't I guess. RIP, Michael...
Mama Rock said…
well, i am never a crazy-going-goo-goo-ga-ga over MJ, but cant deny that he made good music and spread good message around the world. yup, i saw that article too...sad that some people choose to be oblivious that a talented guy is gone :(
Anonymous said…
Up to date, it is still a mystery where his final resting place is.
So was he a muslim?

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