Julie & Julia
I saw Julie & Julia last night. It’s a story about Julia Child and her conquest to master the art of French cooking during her stay in Paris in the 40’s. It’s also a story about Julie Powell, who aspires to cook all 524 recipes from Child's cookbook, within 365 days.
Both are true stories...
What’s amazing about the story is the determination that each woman had to complete something and to do something meaningful with their lives. Both actually had zero knowledge of cooking, one can’t even fry an egg! But they both decided to challenge themselves and put their skills to the test.
I always believe that if you put your heart into doing something, you’ll do it very well. And just like Julie and Julia, they both did.
Many of you can relate to this story. It is an inspirational movie. With Meryl Streep as Julia, one shouldn't give this a miss.
So, if you are a food lover, romantic at heart, kitchen goddess and blogger, Julie & Julia is a must see! Go and get it today!

Both are true stories...
What’s amazing about the story is the determination that each woman had to complete something and to do something meaningful with their lives. Both actually had zero knowledge of cooking, one can’t even fry an egg! But they both decided to challenge themselves and put their skills to the test.
I always believe that if you put your heart into doing something, you’ll do it very well. And just like Julie and Julia, they both did.
Many of you can relate to this story. It is an inspirational movie. With Meryl Streep as Julia, one shouldn't give this a miss.
So, if you are a food lover, romantic at heart, kitchen goddess and blogger, Julie & Julia is a must see! Go and get it today!

But try all the recipes? erkkkkkssss!
kebetulan sungguh,i pon tgk malam tadi! i simply like the movie, simple but deep in the sense they pursued what they really wanted no matter if it is not important to org lain..
nice one n of course i am a big fan of Meryl Streep!
Funny how after the movie, I did think of trying out every recipe there is in this cookbook I have at home!
Hee.. hee.. talk about being overly ambitious, huh??
Tengoklah betul2... i had you in mind when I watched that film!
Nice kan? For me, anything with Meryl Streep sure best punya lah!
I know it's hard... but very soon you'll become very good in your cooking. You have all the time in the day to try out some of those recipes. Which reminds me, nanti I'll pass you the cookbook I told you last night.
Meryl Streep is really a chameleon. Fantastic in MammaMia, an evil in Devil wears Prada and so makcik2 French in Julie & Julia. Hihihi...
Teeny @OnMyOwn