Red Raya

I just got home from a 13-hour journey KL-Sg Petani-KL to send Nadira back to college. It was tiring.

Sg Petani-Ipoh took us 4 hours when usually, 2 hours would do. Sorry Lyana, I didn't get to call you or singgah rumah coz we were in a hurry to get home.

And I'm nursing a runny nose. Bad combo...

Anyway, raya was good. We wore red this time. I made KG's carrot cake for raya morning and my MIL was pretty impressed.

Just sharing some photos. Will write more when I'm in a better frame of mind. In the the mean time, enjoy your open houses and be merry.

Selamat Hari Raya from MrsNordin and family!

Boleh masuk URTV tak?


tireless mom said…
Salam Eidul Fitri BJ.

You all look lovely in red. Saw them earlier in FB. Penat duduk dalam kereta jugak ye. Poor thing. But I am sure you had such an enjoyable raya.
jabishah said…
Mrs N

Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir Batin. You take care now. Hv a good rest.

Red is my fav colour & I so love the gamba nak msk urtv tu. Very meriah.
Kama At-Tarawis said…
very exuberant indeed. I personally don't fancy red (on me, that is) but it sure looks great on others and you, MrsN, is a RED person through-and-through.. meriah gitu..

Merah sangat makngah!! tapi nampak seksi betul you all pakai ...I like it!!

Salam aidil fitri dari kami di Klang!
Cilantro said…
Wow! what a beatiful posing hehehe... All of you looking awesome and beautiful in red.
I am sure you had a blasting raya.

Take Care.
Nek Rock said…
Yooo Mrs N dear,

Fewittttttttt rasanya yg posing kat tengah2 tu boleh jadik front cover:))

Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin dari Phoenix, Arizona
Anonymous said…
awww all of you looked so lovely in red. gosh you and your daughters look so sibling alike...
MHB said…
Selamat Hari Raya to MrsN and family. You guys rock in red!! Membuatkan I teringin nak pakai red tahun depan pulakkk hehe
aida yurani said…
selamat hari raya mrs N!
mumsie said…
selamat hari raya to Mr and MrsN!!
Kak Teh said…
mrsN, memang boleh masuk URTV! you know, we never had a theme for baju raya. I think we'd never get everyone to agree. so ourbaju raya semua macam all kinds of rojak. My eldest son can easily fit in into your family. Baju dia pun merah.
Anonymous said…
Amboiii merah menyala but so pretty!! Salam Aidil Fitri and Take Care of that runny nose!
Anonymous said…
Amboiii merah menyala but so pretty!! Salam Aidil Fitri and Take Care of that runny nose!
FaAtip said…
Mak aiiiii....merahnye mak ngah!

Salam AidilFitri to you & your family!
IBU said…
Va va va voom.... merah sangat lah mak ngah...but i like...... lovely in red indeed.

Oh yes...URTV material - Kembang Setaman!!!
Lee said…
Selamat hari raya Mrs Noordin. Happened to check an old posting came across a comment of yours.
Red has always been my favourite colour, for cars especially. Red shirts too.
Love your pics here. Beautiful pics...semua pakai merah. Very nice.
You have a great week and keep well, best regards, Lee.
Mama Huptihup said…
wawawa u mai sp tak call xpe, maybe next time kan :D...i was thinking of making u samperit but a week b4 raya tu i demam and batuk teruk sesgt so x jadi :(

gmbr posing u pakai baju merah menyala tu mmg vogue habis..bukan takat urtv, cosmo pun blh ni...dah mesti gempar sbb cosmo kan selalu ppuan dia ala2 jane tarzan tu kan haha..selamat hari raya to u and the rest of the family from all of us here!!
UrbAnWiTch said… jgnlah sampai nak masuk URTV..hehe..nice photo.

selamat hari raya ..maaf zahir dan batin
wanshana said…

Tak main lah URTV...You all can masuk Malaysian Tatler maaaa... :) Very nice Raya pics!
Chahya said…
Selamat Hari Raya to you & Family.
Nisyah said…
Assalamualaikum Mrs. Nordin

Hai Kak...while doing nothing (erk !! dont tell my boss tau hehehe) in the office i stumbled upon your blog. I said to myself i really have to leave comment to say hello to this very kind lady..Mrs Nordin...i really love reading all your r one great writer i should say...very honest and by reading your post i rasa mcm dah kenal u ! and i think you are one warm person and someone yang akan make ppl around you smile and laugh.
Take care ye Kak...

p/s : you guys look so lovely in Red....:) and update la blog with your fun stories. tiap2 hari i check for updates tau...:)

MrsNordin said…
Dear all,

Thanks for your compliments and comments. Sorry I didn't have time to reply to each one of your comment, but you know I'm flattered anyhow.

To Noorin, thanks for dropping by. I'll try and write more in the future.

K. Puteri, sorry I couldn't make it to your Open House the other day. I hope it turned out as planned, or better.

Nek Rock!! Hi!! I've missed you! Dah lama tak nampak your comment kat sini, and I've been slacking at checking your blog too. Hope you've had a good raya!

And to the rest ~ thank you! thank you! thank you!!

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