Kuih Raya MrsN

Hari Sabtu yang lepas, I went to visit a friend. I wanted her to take me to the shop where she had her sofas reupholstered. Unfortunately, the shop does not take any more order because they are fully booked. After raya nanti baru boleh buat. Hmmm… nampaknya tahun ini, raya pakai kerusi buruk tu jugak lah. This is what happened when we procrastinate.

Anyway, after going to the shop, I dropped by at her house coz she wanted to show me her kuih raya which she has just attempted to bake after so many years. Usually, like me, she’d just buy them from the shops or order from the bakers. This year, she said, she wanted to make them herself because it’s so easy and cheaper that way. Plus she has a new maid who actually sells kuih raya.

So apa lagi… she went to shop, bought the stuff and started baking. Over the weekend, she managed to make a good 5-6 type of biskut raya and they looked pretty neat to me.

BJ, engkau buat lah sendiri. Senang saja..” , said my friend.

I was a bit skeptical at first because I have never tried making my own kuih raya. Dulu-dulu, masa kecik, adalah tolong mak buat kuih raya. Itu pun setakat potong buah cherry, terap adunan dengan acuan, or susun kuih dalam balang. Buat sendiri the whole thing from scratch memang tak pernah.

Tapi memandangkan my friend ni yang beriya2 kata senang, senang, I pun terus teruja untuk mencuba. She gave me the recipes of some of the kuih which she has tried plus some of the basic ingredients like tepung kastad, badam kisar and a block of butter. So, I really had no reason not to try it, lah kan?

I went home and started thinking of what biscuits to make. In my mind, I only had 2: Biskut Cornflakes and Samperit because these are the biscuits that I like best. Kalau beli, satu balang can cost me RM27-35 (depending on where I buy it from) itu pun tak tentu sedap. Kalau buat sendiri, lebih murah:

Butter - RM3.50, Tepung - RM3.60, Gula – RM 1.50.

Vanilla essence, cornflakes, apa ke benda lagi tu memang dah sedia ada kat rumah, tak payah beli lagi. So, you see? Tak sampai RM10 je costnya and you can make a lot more than satu balang. With that, I was convinced.

I first tried the Cornflakes because I didn’t have the acuan samperit at that time. First batch, tak menjadi. Rasa ada, tapi rupa dia tak berapa menarik. It was flat and a tad too sweet.

So I tried it the second time. Ok sikit ~ rupa ada, tapi rasa ada kurang sikit sebab terlupa taruh susu tepung (konon dah terror tak payah tengok resipi!). But overall, I think they were quite nice (for my standard lah). Kata orang, tak malu lah kalau nak hantar rumah mak mertua! And every time after berbuka, MrNordin & Nadim will take a bite or two, and I’m quite happy to see that they like it.

On Monday, we went to hunt for the acuan samperit at Chow Kit. Why there? Because I wanted to buy yang tembaga punya, like the one my mother had. I went down to look for it, my husband and the rest of my family members waited in the car, amidst the jam. Tapi mana ada jual lagi acuan tembaga sekarang ni… jenuh bertanya, semua kata tak ada. In the end, I bought the plastic ones because my husband was already screaming at me on the phone to come back to the car. Oh well… men! They just don’t understand the concept of look, see and feel before buying anything, do they?

With those things in my possession, I could start making my biskut samperit. But the recipe? I had 3 different versions, tak tahu mana satu nak pilih. Ada yang pakai tepung gandum and cornstarch, ada yang pakai tepung kastad saja and ada yang pakai a combination of all three tepungs. Hai… pening! Pilih punya pilih, I chose the one with tepung gandum and cornstarch because this recipe uses condensed milk.

Tak jadi…. KERAS!!! Campak kat dinding pun tak pecah! Biskut samperit is supposed to be soft and melt in the mouth, right? Not hard like biskut Tai Thong!

I tak puas hati! So a day after that I tried it again, this time using the tepung kastad version. Amazingly, that turned out very well. Just the right texture and taste. My maid kata, “Sedap… macam nilah baru ada rasa samperit!”. Lega….

Having completed two types of kuih raya (after two failed attempts), I realized that I’m not cut to be a baker, like some of my friends who can actually make money out of it. Baru dua jenis kuih, dah tak larat. Macamana lah agaknya orang yang buat beratus-ratus biji kuih tu untuk dijual di hari raya? Yang jenis duduk depan oven dari lepas sahur sampai nak berbuka, buat kuih punya pasal. Hee… amazing! But I suppose, if you know there’s money in it, you’ll do it anyhow.

As of now, tepung ada banyak lagi kat rumah, butter pun ada lagi. So, I think I’m going to make some more this weekend.

My husband told me his favourite biskut raya is “Rock Bun” but not many people make it anymore. So semalam I dah try lah, tapi err… tak berapa menjadi jugak. I think the texture was not quite right. The recipe I used stated “Beat butter and sugar”, but I think the correct way to do it is to use teknik “Gaul & Ramas”. I remember this because Rock Bun was the first biscuit I made in my SRT class! So tak apa, I shall try it again and surprise my husband when he comes back from JB tomorrow.

Cheers everyone and selamat mencuba! If I can do it, so can you!!


MA said…
I can only make tart nenas. Itupun sambil bakar, sambil ngapp dalam mulut...haha.

Like you I am not cut to be a baker. I lebih suka masak lauk pauk than cookies and cakes.

Rock bun memang resepi azali kelas SRT kot?? I know I made them for my SRT classes. For my SRP I buat sardin roll...sedap! (sebab cikgu minta bungkus bawak balik). Tapi dapat C6 jugak...sebab bab jahit menjahit kantol...:P
MrsNordin said…
Eh, tart nenas tu kira terror lah, MA! That one, I kirim beli je lah coz I don't think I can do it.

Iyalah, Rock Bun tu I think classis recipe for SRT coz it seems its a favourite British cookies/biscuit. I can't remember what I did for SRP, but I think it was something which has soya bean in it (I think I made rojak) and a cake, which tak berapa menjadi.

Ehem.. I dapat A1 for SRT, ok ? Tapi sampai laa ni tak berapa pandai menjahit or memasak. Biasa2 tu boleh lah...
the principal said…
my MIL pernah jugak buat rock bun tu tp tak ramai org nak order so dia stop buat...My MIL suka buat coz tak payah guna mould...
kay_leeda said…
My samperit turned out keras too last year. Gave up after first attempt. And I had the same reason like you too when I wanted to bake my own kueh raya. Mahal and then tak tau sedap or not.

Two nights ago, I baked some choc chip cookies. Boleh lah, the kids liked them. But I think it could be improved. So nampak nya samalah kita trying our luck at baking this weekend yah :)

Hope we'll have more luck this time :)
DadaIQ said…
You never know your hidden talent until you try, betul tak? Keep the momentum going, who knows you can be even better than your friends. Practice makes perfect. After all, dah terbukti sebab SRT dapat A1. Tu yang buat Puan Rosnani sayang...
zaitgha said…
Acuan samperit tembaga tuh mmg susah nak dapat kat kedai biasa Mrs. N...but bakery shop like Yen masih ada....and i personally prefer the tembaga lah coz yg plastic tuh bunga dia mcm kurang sikit....samperit is my big boy's favorite so that cookies is a must every Raya....

Happy Baking...
cepat nya buat kueh raya...i pulak nak buat masa i datang bulan nanti...pasal apa...tak tahan bau kueh yang tgh masak tu..harum..buat lah coklat chip..senang jer tak payah nak terap terap...pakai sudu jer...
Naz in Norway said…
I'm thinking of making a few different types of cookies too for Raya this year. Importing cookies from Msia would mean my kids will end up eating them with a spoon di pagi Raya. Kesian lah pulak! Tak sanggup nak bayangkan. So i buat lah sikit sikit this and that.
All time favourite in this house is Makmur, Biskut Suji, Putu Kacang, Samperit dan Biskut Cornflakes. This year I buat muruku jugak ;)
MrsNordin said…

My husband said, dulu mak dia selalu buat kuih tu. That's why tergugat jugak bila nak buat kuih tu. Sure tak jadi sesedap mak dia punya, kan? Tension..
MrsNordin said…

Ha! Ha! So I'm not the only one who made hard Samperit! It's good that you didn't give up. Yes, we shall continue baking till the end of Ramadhan!! (kuih buat sendiri ni, rasa lain sikit kan? Macam sayang nak makan..)
MrsNordin said…

I don't think I'll be better than Yani or Zai here. They just love baking, that's why theirs turn out so well.

For me, boleh buat untuk makan2 sendiri, cukup lah. I'm not very particular about rupa kuih tu sebab bab decorate2 ni, I kurang gemar sikit. Your kuih would look marvelous, I'm sure.

And thanks for giving me the idea! *wink*
MrsNordin said…

I was hoping that you would drop a comment here! And thanks!

Acuan plastic ni macam tak real lah, yang tembaga tu juga yang best. I could only find acuan kuih bahulu which is still made with tembaga, but I'm not planning to make any bahulu. No way! It's soooo difficult!

I'm sure your samperit is sedaaap! Boleh share resipi??
UrbAnWiTch said…
Dear MrsN,
wow within hours of your entry punyala byk comments! see..people are hungry for your entries!!

by the way the ROCK BUN mmg sedap.belajaq masa Form 2 ..hehehe..
MrsNordin said…
Kak Ezza,

Actually, itu bukan untuk raya punya. Saja untuk suka2 makan. Dekat2 nak raya nanti mungkin I buat yang betul2 punya. Ini baru testing! Hee.. hee...

Choc chip cookies sound nice. Maybe i'll try that too. Akak punya favourite kuih raya apa?
MrsNordin said…

Terrornya you! Itu semua kuih lama2! Biskut suji, makmur, putu kacang.... Nak buat maruku jugak? Your family is a lucky lot!

Husband I suruh buat biskut arab. Resipi nampak macam senang, tapi kalau I buat, sure tak jadi punya!

Happy baking!
MrsNordin said…

You pun tahu Rock Bun? Memang sahlah it's a classic recipe for SRT!

I'm slow to update because sometimes I just feel lazy to write. But today, it all started with an email between me and my friend tu. Ni yang terus dapat idea nak tulis pasal kuih raya!
my fav cookies...entah lah...pantang nampak jer terus ngap! agak nya kueh gunting kot..
MrsNordin said…
Kak Ezza,

Kuih gunting sounds nice!

Ni bukan nak cakap besar, tapi I am baking cookies for my friends yg order kat I..hehehe

I tak pandai buat tart nenas, ni nak belajar ni. But one thing for sure, I mesti buat Mazola cookies, kuih siput and banana cake..:-) (sementara still rajin la)
Mama Huptihup said…
yeay...clap...clap...clap....im thinking of making my own raya cookies too tahun ni...am still thiking...but since career women like u and the rest boleh buat takkan i yg terperuk kat umah allllll daaaaayyyy loooonggggg x boleh buat kan....ni cabaran buat i ni haha
the principal said…

menyampuk jap...its ok to promote your talent baking cookies. kalau tak, org tak tau, kan? lagi ramai org tau, lg byk org order & more income for you. bestnye...
melayudilondon said…
Wahhh Mrs N!
hmmm terasa pulak nak bikin kuih raya. I boleh bikin suji je.
Kak Teh said…
mrs N, i can count on my fingers (one hand) how many times I buat kueh raya. But now i have a daughter who is so interested in cooking, so we are ghoing to invest in a new oven and then let;s see what we can produce. Bythe look of it, you are doing quite well.
CS said…
Salam Mrs N.. At 2.42am waktu Msia barat I ingin membuka pekong didada, aduh!! Last yr I was overzealous terbuat extra adunan for cornflakes cookies. To cut the long story short, in my fridge right now there's still some balance of the dough blinking at me n say "let me out, let me out". Nak salahkan I tak boleh juga (bela diri nih) sebab my oven tetiba comatose and it remains so since last raya. Procrastination on my part!
Kmar said…
BJ, good to know tak sia-sia you cuba buat those cookies. I lagi teruk.. errghh... tak pernah buat biskut raya (15 years away). Tolong my mom masa dulu-dulu ada lee. Time nak raya aje, my mom (for sure) akan pos my favourite kuih raya... biskut makmur, chocolate chips, tart nenas.. etc.. (she made herself). Walaupun kata tak payah hantar, still nak hantar jugak.

I am married to someone who is not eating Raya cookies.. so kalau buat pun.... I sorang aje yang makan. My kids pun tak minat. I selalu jugak buat kek and itupun depa tak berapa nak makan.ish.ish..

Lepas tu Malaysian tak ramai pulak (3 family).. so nak bertukar-tukar kuih raya pun tak worth.

Whatever it is BJ, keep up your good effort!!!
MrsNordin said…
Hi Ida,

Wah, terror baking jugak you ni... good! Can sell to friends some more. They must be good!

I also like kuih siput tapi susah nak cari yang betul2 sedap. My grandmother dulu used to make them for raya. I think my mum still has the acuan they used for kuih siput. I tak mau cuba yang ini sebab sure susah.

Take care!
MrsNordin said…

I thought you've already made your raya cookies? Biskut samperit (yang KG tiru) tu apa?

You made it sound so easy in your recipe description that's why I gave it a try. Your recipe was one of the 3 that I have for biskut samperit tapi belum cuba your version.

If you're making some more, ingat kat I, OK? Cheers!
MrsNordin said…

You're right! Kalau tak beritau orang, sapa nak beli, kan?


Biskut suji? Hmm... this one uses tepung suji, right? Tak pernah try but good luck with your experiment!
MrsNordin said…
Kak Teh,

Once you have the oven, I'm sure you're gonna be baking a lot more. My friend (that I mentioned here) also started baking after she got her new oven. Not only cookies, but other things as well.

Since you have a daughter who's into it, it'll make it even more easier and fun. Good luck!
MrsNordin said…

The adunan cornflakes boleh simpan sampai setahun? Oh my! I suggest you start shaping it into biscuits and dump them in the oven. Voila! Boleh makan this weekend!!
MrsNordin said…
Hi Kmar,

If tak ada orang nak makan kuih raya tu, tak syok jugak nak buat. My family makan kuih raya sebelum raya because on the raya day itself, tak de sapa nak makan kuih raya. We'd go for the lemang, lontong etc. That's why if I do it now, gerenti ada orang nak makan. Sikit2 after berbuka, last2 habis juga.

Now I've to make some more samperit because the last batch I made dah nak habis.

Take care!
KG said…
hv done biskut samprit, lyana's resepi...barulah rasa biskut samprit in the true sense...nak resepi biskut cornflakes, boleh?ni i tgh pening dok aturq haghi to bake to deliver those cakes...ayai yai..
Wow MrsN you are a dark kitchen horse! Kata bukan kitchen guardian...tapi your effort last weekend tu ada lah jugak ciri2nya. :-)

Nak sikit biskut cornflakes?
MrsNordin said…

Resipi kuih samperit ada kat rumah. Nanti i'll text you, ok?


Hee.. hee... belum cuba belum tahu!! Nak biskut cornflakes? Boleh... datanglah ke rumah!
Mama Rock said…
Mrs nordin, i only bake cookies yang tak pakai acuan pun, ie choc chip, oatmeal and raisin etc. tapi tu pun buat masa we were abroad dulu, sian kat anak2 takde kuih raya.
bila kat sini, it's accesible everywhere...tu yang jadi liat tu :)
Anonymous said…
BJ, Its me... so what did you do to the first batch yang tak jadi?
1) Did you give to your kids to makan?
2) did you throw away?

Eee if two so sayang....

I tabik hormat you in making those raya cookies.. Memang mahal if we made to order from whoever.. indah rupa dari kabar those cookies. sebenar nya tak sedap.
My fav kuih raya is biscut arab. so senang to make pakai our hands to mould them..

Selamat last two weeks of ramadam..
Anonymous said…
Just my 2 cents,
Teknik tak nak keras, jangan ikut sangat kandungan tepung dalam resepi. Itu cuma anggaran (sebab bergantung pada cuaca and kandungan air dalam tepung). Masukkan tepung hati-hati and jangan terlebih gaul. (kalau keluar gluten, kuih keras).Gaul sebati aje.
Pastikan bancuhan adunan lembut. Terlebih tepung pun keras.
Katalah lepas bakar first round, rasa kuih keras, cuba tambah sedikit butter dalam adunan.
All the best!
Mama Huptihup said…

kuih samperit yg i buat tu dah selamat masuk dlm perut kami sekeluarga haha...ingat jap lagi nak buat tp tgklah keadaan dan tahap kerajinan...
busymum100 said…

Wah... byk betul komen kat sini.

Rock bun? Yes, we learnt it in Homescience, didn't we? Does anyone have the original (SRT) recipe? I pun rasa mmg guna "rub in" method.

I nak rekoment you all buat kuih "Choc snowdrops". Anak i marah betul bila i war-warkan kat org, sb dia kata kalau semua org tau, kuih tu tak jadi unik. Dulu2 kat rumah kami je ada kuih tu. Tak susah mana pun buatnya..

See my recipe here:

boleh buat adunan, lepas tu simpan dlm fridge. Bila2 senang, bake, tp jgn simpan sampai setahun la! Sorry, somuffins, gurau je...
IBU said…
Mrs N,

I bought blue key flour - as advised by my sis - untuk menyedapkan raya cookies/cakes.

But that was last year - dah expired dah ....

HAHAHAHA.... I'm doomed; can never get myself to break the inertia bake lorrr....

Justspent RM200++ on cookies at the curve yesterday. One of each type, and I pilih yg "lawa" sbb belum berbuka, tak boleh puasa. Plus, by the time raya, the cookies would all taste almost the same. So the looks have to be the differentiating factors. hehehe... but actually I bought some from the same kakak last year, and the cookies were good. So I trust the "taste" part lah.

I will stick to the "ketam" jer lah for raya...

Good luck on your baking, yer?!
MrsNordin said…

Pakai acuan atau tidak, sama saja.. those little things (like making your own kuih raya) will be remembered most by your children when they grow up. Cheers!
MrsNordin said…
Spices of Life,

The first batch yang tak jadi tu, I ingat nak buang. But then my maid said she wanted them to send to her family in Indon. Tak lah teruk sangat, boleh makan.. cuma keras je sikit. So I gave her the two big jars of cookies to give to her family.

Now MrNordin suruh I buat Biskut Arab pulak. Since you like it, I'm sure you know how to make it. Bagi resipi, boleh??
MrsNordin said…

Hi! Thanks for the tips! I shall remember that. Very useful indeed.

I'm sure you are a seasoned baker yourself and banyak buat kuih raya. Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya and take care!
MrsNordin said…

I belum try lagi resipi samperit you. Must be very nice coz Yani and yours habis dalam sekelip mata saja! Nanti, I akan cuba. Right now, ada orang pinjam acuan samperit I. So kena tunggu dia habis buat kuih dulu.
MrsNordin said…

My Rock Bun turned out pretty well. MrN said it was the right smell, taste and texture. Only thing is, mine terlalu besar. Should have made it smaller.

Choc snowdrops? Sounds yummy!! I shall try that too! Thanks!!
MrsNordin said…

Thanks! I didn't know Blue Key tepung can make the kuih taste nicer. I use that tepung all the time. Rasa macam biasa je... I think, it takes more than tepung to make the taste somewhat different from the rest !

I think, stick to your "ketam". Don't bother to make since you've already purchased quite a lot of kuih raya already.

How's the "bun in your oven" doing??
wanshana said…

Bravo! Keep it up :)

I suka MAKAN Biskut Suji and Makmur, tapi tak suka buat... Hehehe!

I have never attempted to bake Raya cookies, and I don't think I ever will! (Errrrr, maybe nanti bila I pencen and I feel bored staying at home kot...?)

But, but, but...I MIGHT just try bake some simple ugly-looking cookies one of these days (coz' I baru discovered how to use my Microwave Convection/Grill Oven - after 5 years of having it! LOL!)
MrsNordin said…

You should give it a try! I pun selama ni tak pernah buat kuih raya, first time! Tapi oklah, it's not that hard. Buat yang simple2 je, yang your kids like. You'll feel good about it.

Tapi, cake mixer ada tak??
wanshana said…
Cake Mixer? Oh ya...I do need one of those, right?

Errrrr, I MIGHT have one stashed in the store-room somewhere. I THINK. Hmmmm, kena ada mission punggah store-rooom pulak nanti... Tunggu next year ajer kot, BJ? HAHAHA!
Cilantro said…
Hi MrsNordin,

I too love biskut samperit. Few years back I used to do most of the cookies by myself with the help of my children. Once my children went aborad to study I gave up. Now days I order all my cookies from my friends.

Happy Baking!
MrsNordin said…
Thanks, Cilantro. I'm trying... not as good as you, tho'. A lot had to be discarded coz they got burnt! Hee.. hee...
Anonymous said…
Bj, 2 minggu lepas I ada jumpa acuan acuan tembaga termasuk la acuan semperit kat pasar tani medan gopeng, gerai tu nama sayong, brother tu kata ada certain days dia berniaga di putra jaya. Maybe you boleh minta tolong Dr Zulfa tengokkan untuk you coz dia kan tinggal area (Ipoh) tu, I cuma balik once a month.Takpun you berkunjung je le ke Kuala, but I doubt musim raya ni depa berjual!

Org Rapat Setia.
bella said…
bravo to you...sampai dah tukar2 resipi and acu that's a good sign already!the only attempt I did was last year, I made kuih makmur. It must have been so so, coz this year he said, you tak payah susahkan diri buat kuih la ye...hahahaha....
FdausAmad said…
gua nak ajak lu melepak di blog gua.Rilek Rilek.
MrsNordin said…

Hee.. hee... he should give you more credit for trying!


Thanks for visiting. And yes, I've visited your blog. Have a nice day!
lctung said…
Kalau minat dgn acuan tembaga and in this case for kuih bahulu, check my blog http://galleriapingganlama.blogspot.com


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