The Third One

I received a call from my mother early this morning. An aunt just passed away.

That must be the third molar in my dream...

Al Fatihah.


ummisara said…
Mrs. N,

Takziah ya.
Anonymous said…
Inna lillah. . .Al Fatihah.
mummy-mia said…
Very sorry to hear that. My condolences and Al-Fatihah...
MrsNordin said…

Where have you been? How come tak update blog??
Unknown said…

Innalillah... and Al Fatihah.

nae said…
Al-Fatihah to arwah.
wanshana said…

You had very strong premonitions of all the three deaths, indeed. Coincidence? Maybe.

My condolences to the family.

Semoga rohnya dikumpulkan bersama golongan yang beriman.

jabishah said…

Salam takziah to your family.

Wld the dream be a coincidence? Wallahualam... I remembered your post on your dream of the 1st MrsN. Also... the dream of you coming over to my house! Now... that is something to ponder. Hmmm...
salam takziah buat family you...
Innalillahirajiun. Takziah, BJ.
Kmar said…
Salam takziah to you and your family.
KG said…
Kama At-Tarawis said…
Innalillahi wa'inna Ilaihirraji'un. Semoga Allah swt mengampuni segala dosanya dan permudahkan urusan akhiratnya. Al-Fatihah.
min said…
salam takziah... i had the same dream last nite. im so worried now...
MrsNordin said…

I could be a coincidence. Just pray hard that it won't be someone very close to you.
Anonymous said…

Belum sampai seru lagi nak update :-)
IBU said…
Innalillah .... al-fatihah
min said…

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