Notes di Bulan Ramadhan (1)

Bulan puasa datang lagi. Seperti biasa, hari kedua I dah terlajak sahur. Hee.. hee..! Nasib baik MrNordin tak pegi Johor this week. Kalau tidak, Nadim kena bersahur sorang2 with the maid. I haven’t changed, have I?

Nadira came home for a short break last weekend. It was good to see her again. She seemed to be having a good time there in Sg Petani ~ good friends, good food, good vibes, and we are just so happy that she’s enjoying herself. So on the first day of berbuka puasa, I had everyone in my family at the dining table. It was such a nice feeling...

On the second day, we broke our fast at a Thai restaurant in Pavillion with S and her family (S was MrsN#1 good friend). Third day berbuka at home and yesterday, we berbuka outside again (I felt like having a burger for berbuka, that’s why...)

Have you noticed how much hotels are charging customers for their Ramadhan buffet? It’s exorbitant! Even a 3-star hotel like Dorsett is charging RM75++. Most 5-star hotels are charging RM99++. The most expensive, I think, is Shangri-La @ RM128. Crazy! How much can you eat anyway during berbuka?

These days, the most I’d eat is just rice and one of two lauk for berbuka. Itupun dah kenyang. To eat something worth RM128 must be ridiculous. Ok, if you just go for the oysters, Japanese and all those expensive food stuff, maybe it’s worth it. But still, how much can you eat during fasting month?

If I brought my whole family that comprises 6 adults and 1 child to Shang for berbuka, the bill would probably cost me RM900 ! That’s a lot of money!

I haven’t been to any of the hotels Ramadhan buffet in a long time. The last time, I think, was about 4 years ago when Concorde was still charging RM55++ for the buffet. Now it’s RM82++.

Berbuka at home is so much nicer eventho’ it’s just a simple one or two lauk. Once in a while when we feel like having something different, we’ll pick a restaurant proper where we know the food is good and just order a-la-carte. It’s better that way. At least we don’t have to scramble for food with so many people.

Even at the Bazaar Ramadhan, harga makanan... masyaallah... punyalah mahal! The other day, Nadim bought 2 small tubs of caramel and it cost him RM1.25 each. RM1.25 each, people! And it’s not even nice. I would only pay 30 sen for it.

We all should boycott lah all these expensive stalls and eating places. Pakai main taruk saja harga! Kalau sedap, tak apa. Ini....... ?

I rest my case.


AuntieYan said…
Salam Mrs.N,

Selamat berpuasa. :-)

Betul kata you tuh....kat manalah kita nak isi segala food yang bernilai RM128??? kalau masak sendiri, dengan RM128 tu, macam-macam kita boleh masak. Lain le kalau nak makan kambing golek ke hapa...takat nak masak kari ikan, lemak cili padi, masak merah/kicap ayam...alahai..sesambil pejam mata pun boleh daaa....! (errr...boleh cakap lagu ni ke dibulan posa ni??...):-)

Selamat berbuka.
kay_leeda said…
Dear MrsN,

What?? RM128?? Crazy...
And it's not like you are going to eat everything to justify for the price you are paying. Kalu makan semua mau masuk hospital kot lepas tu :)

I haven't been to any berbuka at hotels yet this year. Selalu ader but with clients lah. To tell you the truth, I'd rather have that goreng telur, ayam masak merah and air cincau with folks at home. Lagi besttt...and no need to rebut-rebut.

Take it easy ok and selamat berbuka to you :)
MrsNordin said…
Hi Auntie Yan,

Selamat berpuasa to you and family!!

You are right. Buffet ramadhan tu mostlynya offer "masakan kampung" or something to that effect and they want to charge me RM99 for what??!!

RM128 boleh belanja dapur for one week. That's money well spent for me and you.

Take care and selamat berbuka!!
MrsNordin said…
Hi Kay,

If pegi bawa client makan, bolehlah... company yang bayar. Kalau setakat nak bayar sendiri, err... i think kena pikir banyak2 kali.

I also like simple dishes for berbuka. Just nasi panas2, telur goreng kicap and timun potong with tomato sauce will do. Sedaaaaaap!!!

Selamat berpuasa & berbuka Kay!!
Unknown said…

Dah 3 tahun i dah tak berbuka puasa at hotel, even if its sponsored. I think its a waste of money and food. I would actually prefer to see my money go to deserving causes; like Islamic Reliefs "Feed the Fasting Campaign". For only RM50, someone will ge a month's supplies of food during the fasting month and for the RM128 (I bet with tax dah dekat RM200, u can help 4 needy ppl during this blessed month.

Also Pasar Ramadhan, we'd hardly go buy from ppl who are not usually traders during the rest of the months. We'd stick to our regulars only, so that we're not disappointed.

Anyway, Selamat Berpuasa to u and ur family.

MA said…
For RM 128 I boleh dapat ayam 2 ekor, ikan tenggiri 4 potong, sotong satu kilo, udang satu kilo, sayur bayam/sawi/kangkong (3 ikat for RM2), cili merah, celery, tomato, carrots, cili padi, serai, lengkuas, halia, kunyit, bawang merah, bawang putih, belacan, tauhu 4 keping (RM1), togeh 1 plastik besar (RM1)....hmmm, ada belen lagi boleh beli cendol.

All that can feed my family of four dengan pelbagai hidangan sampai kenyang for a week...!

I belum berbuka kat luar lagi so far, kalau pergi pun - ambil yang ala carte sahaja.
Azfa said…
Salam Mrs. N,
Selamat Puasa to you and family, I am actually a silent reader to your blog and I hope you don't mind.
I have to agree with you. Harga makanan di bulan posa ni memang tak tentu arah.
I'm staying in SP, satu taman dengan Lyana. Di sini pun harga food is expensive and taste pun tak la sedap tara mana..

Salam Ramadhan to you and family,
MrsNordin said…

What you did is very noble. Feed the poor is even better. Ada orang tak makan seminggu and here we are spending RM128 per meal and we can only eat very little of it. A lot will go to waste. Sayang..

Selamat berpuasa to u and family too!
MrsNordin said…
Hi MA,

Betul tu... RM128 can feed a family of 4 for one week! Such a waste of money.

Btw, KDE is charging RM45 nett for their berbuka puasa at Dulang. The last time we were there for berbuka was 3 years ago. Malas because orang ramai sangat, nak berebut2 tu yang leceh.
MrsNordin said…
Hi Azfa,

Thanks for dropping by. Oh, neighbours dengan Lyana ya? That's nice.

Kat SP pun mahal jugak ya? That's a surprise. I would have thought the food would be cheaper there. Kalau sedap, tak apa bayar lebih sikit. Kalau rasanya entah apa2, naik menyumpah pulak kita nanti.

But some traders just don't care about the taste. All they care about is their money and that sucks.
Anonymous said…
Selamat mengerjakan ibadat puasa. Ya allah mahal nya ramadhan buffet. But nevertheless ramadhan bazaar apa kurangnya..
ini lah dia cara merompak duit orang cara halus...elok di boikot saja mereka ni dan offcorse lah...yang merompak duit orang ni pasti tersenyum senyum suka hati..tak payah pakai pistol pun..alasan nya..buffet kat hotel 5 star..Pergh!
Makan kat rumah lagi baik...gerenti bersih dan sedap BJ
Kak Teh said…
Selamat berpuasa to to you and yours, Mrs N.

The price for berbuka at the hotels scares me. Banyak manalah yang boleh makan. Di London the going rate di hotel-hotel and restaurant malaysia is between £12 - £16.00. Itupun kira banyak juga kalau bawa sekeluarga. Tak apalah makan di rumah pun cukup, especially now that iftar is so late, there's plenty of time to cook.
Kmar said…

I have never had the experience to break-fasting kat hotel sebab setiap kali balik Ipoh, mesti my mom dah make sure food penuh kat meja. Furthermore, pasar ramadan is only 5 minutes away... he.he.. Tak ada excuse nak makan kat hotel.

Whatever it is, mahal betul the charge per head per buffet. Std KL la tu. Amazingly, still ada orang pergi. Btw, last year we had a buffet lunch at KLCC for 15 people and the food was marvellous!! Tak tahu pulak kalau bulan puasa naik harga. Anyway I do agree.. depa ni main taruk harga aje.

Selamat berpuasa...
busymum100 said…

Nasib baik lah my family mmg tak suka berbuka kat hotel - otherwise pokai lah.

Mmg berbuka kat hotel ni troublesome. Org ramai sgt, kekadang tu nk cari air pun tka jumpa. Not to mention the jam to get there. We normally buy take away je kalau rasa malas masak.

BTW, selamat berpuasa to you and family!
MrsNordin said…
Hi Azieda,

Memang semuanya dah mahal. Entah apa2! Selamat berpuasa to you and family too...
MrsNordin said…

Makan kat rumah memang 100x lebih best walaupun lauk simple sahaja. I've been checking your blog for ideas! Hee.. hee..
MrsNordin said…
Hi K.Teh!

Selamat berpuasa to you and family too. I read your story about roti jala tu and so yesterday, I tried to make caramel pudding which I've never tried before. And I burned a finger! This is what happen when I hardly cook in the kitchen!
MrsNordin said…
Hi Kmar,

Kalau balik Ipoh, memang tak payah keluar lah. Mum's cooking is the best!

How's fasting month over there? I hope it's not too hot..
MrsNordin said…
Hi Busymum,

When there are only a few of you at home, sometimes beli take away je lagi senang. Saves you trouble and makes life so easy for us.

Have a nice day!
ummisara said…
Mrs. N,

Selamat Berpuasa :)

Bab harga makanan memang takuttt ah! i pun blom ada plan nak berbuka kat hotel lagi walaupun dah ada yang organize.

yang i nak crita nih harga makanan kat pasar ramadhan. U tau tak seketul dada ayam percik yang di belah 2 [sungguhlah nipisssss] dijual dengan harga RM4.50 tahun nihhhhhh!!!! nak tersedakkkkkk iiiii

last year RM3 jer...

kuih pulak...kuih seri muka rasa mcm sirappppp!!! apa ke hallllll!

karipap kentang kosong tak ada ayam dalam tuh dijual RM 50. karipap dah lah kecikkkkkk.

MrsNordin said…

That's ridiculous! 50 sen for a karipap like that is cekik darah! Ayam percik I tak pernah beli but if that's the price, memang sah2 orang tu ambik untung terlampau banyak. Tak berkat tu nanti...
i x mau mkn kat hotel...sbb byr mahal, i perut kecik..mkn sepinggan dah nak mkn buffet? tak logik kan :D

selamat berpuasa to u and MrN k...
MrsNordin said…

Sama lah kita.. Eh, if semua orang kat sini tak gemar makan buffet kat hotel, sapa yang pegi, hah?
aida yurani said…
Caramel Rm1.25 tu murah lagi, I beli RM2.50 near my house. Apa nak buat? Baik buat sendiri lagi sedap, hehehe. Selamat berpuasa! :)
MrsNordin said…

I tried to make my own caramel the other night and I burnt a finger! How?
Anonymous said…
Mrs N,

I bought 4 pieces of creme caramel hari tu, and was absolutely shocked when the lady said RM8! Mahalnye! Some stalls really try to milk it during the fasting month.

Selamat Berpuasa & Berbuka to you & family

Fulltime Mom
UrbAnWiTch said…
the cucuq udang n pasembor kat pasar ramadhan tu kulim. nice n not expensive.udang pon besaq.but kena pi awal

MrsNordin said…

I know... it's ridiculous, kan?


Is that true? Will try it one of these days. Thanks! I hope you are recovering well...
mamalisa said…
salam ramadhan,selamat berpuasa dan berbuka :=)
MrsNordin said…
Thanks, Mamalisa!
UrbAnWiTch said…

thanks.. i am recovering ok i guess
, update la blog...hehehe..

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